I really don t care

Listen to me...
Right now!

I really don't care
What you're saying!
I really don't care
What you're thinking!
Stop pretending,
Stop playing!
Stop this fake,
Stop give inkling!

Like to think i'm yours?
Do this, be wrong!
Before you come here
I'll close all the doors!

Like to live in your dream?
Do this, be right!
Living in your own realm
You will never win fight!

I will never give in,
Coz i'm stronger!
Live in fake in your realm,
I'm just smarter!
I'm so free and so real,
You can start it!
Start to hate,
Coz you want it..
You want it!

(...want it, but never get)

I really don't care
What you're dreaming!
I really don't care
What you're hating!
Stop to play
And stop screaming!
All you got is a

hm 4 me it sounds alike to Xtina's 'Cant hold us down'.. but u can read it as u like )

Ния   15.04.2006 13:47     Заявить о нарушении
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