One day

Beautiful day,
Beautiful night
Later we may
Dance in the light.

I want to reach my hand out,
Touch you with pleasure, and then out loud
Scream for lust and for your love
Flying away and flying above
This mortal land with you by my side
Feeling so happy... enjoying this ride...
I want to close my tired eyes,
Lean forward... and lick your thighs,
Smell your skin, and then begin to move
My hands... your skin is smooth,
And I’m excited like never before,
I’m touching your body, imagining more
Imagining more and wishing for you
To open the gates; to unchain those few
Invisible ropes attached to your soul...
I wish for so much, and my pitiful role
Allows me to dream of a perfect day,
Which may never come, or simply may
Appear unannounced among blue sky...
When this day comes we both will cry.
But if it does not, the Queen of hearts
Will lose her title to one of us;
We’ll split our hands and together begin
Our separate lives of the opposite kin.
