Shell stone sand bone


Shell fossilises to stone,
as does bone,
including dinosaur spondylae;
stone pulverises to sand
with the oscillation of waves,
the flensing rain,
while the wolf-breath wind
whose work is change
moves mountains
with its will alone,
transposing them to desert
and to plain,
grain by patient grain,
as polar seas transmogrify
to iceberg and melt back again.

Stars disintegrate
in cosmic particles
adrift in space,
sand trickles through the fingers
bone-defined, the hand,
to formless mass;
the new moon,
blanched lip of a shell,
edges through the star-strewn strand.

Poems like eggs that time has laid
nestle in mind's secret cache,
revelations time will hatch,
betokening impermanence -
traces of our passage,
bone to stone then sand,
word-edifice, a spirit-archaeology,
shell-fragments we shall leave behind…
