Без век

такое...в стиле Мэнсона, кстати кто инглиш хорошо знает, если АшЫпки найдёте мне сообщите плиз, а то я безграмотный, запарился в словарь лазать. Зато пока сочинял англиский подучил!

Hi. I can open your eyes.
You want, to know the truth?
The truth is false

I shall tell to you about this world
Certainly, if you want

You are ready? Open your eyes?
You are ready? To see severe life?
You are ready? To learn love it - knife?
You are ready? To die?

You are ready to see, the world of cruelty?
You already know, what love it - knife?
In your hot heart
In your light head
Please God, I want to forget:

Her pretty face
These magic eyes
And fuckin place
Where have met she and I

pretty face
magic eyes
fuckin place
she and I

! ! ! BITCH ! ! !

You are ready? Open your eyes?
You are ready? To see severe life?
You are ready? To receive the ticket in a hell?
You are ready? To understand that such the friend?

They think that want to you to help
But do(make) all for the soul
In subconsciousness search for benefit
The instincts carry out above them the control

The anarchy corrects by the world
Everyone do only that want

They do not know it
By him never to study itself
What for I have learned that life it shit
What for I have killed myself

You are ready? Open your eyes?
You are ready? To see severe life?
You are ready? To learn why the people are at war?
You are ready? To understand you a little worm?

They kill each other
Because are brought up in different conditions
And thousand mothers
Closely keep up bloody competitions

Be ready, to severe life
For the sake of close, for the sake of the god
Millions people around you die

Some very artful people
Have told us "For peace demands a rules "
Now they the bosses
They know that you the stupid fools

Wars, soldiers, weapon, reprisals
Really want the peace, destroy a civilization!
