The Ban

I don't believe! It's not the end!
It's just my dismal thoughts...
I was with you, I held your hand...
But who could make it stop?!
Cold snow has melted, winter's gone;
There's only killing light.
We have to break the ban alone,
We have begun this fight...
We can't get back, we can't release,
We cannot find a way...
I don't want this, I don't believe
In all the words they say!
It's their decree, it's their revenge
For our happiness...
Now I'm with you, but it will change...
Oh no... We must confess:
We can't avoid the destiny,
Our dreams will fade away,
I know the truth - you'll die with me,
Forget this ugly day!
Forget your dreams, forget your life,
Remember only me!
No fear, no feelings and no lies...
And never we were free...

Вот как раз изъясняюсь я по-английски не очень... Но пишу, говорят, хорошо. Не знаю, как у меня получается=))

Кристина Ларина   26.01.2006 21:01     Заявить о нарушении
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