
My life is not the same since you left,
My eyes are still wet from my cry.
I don't know what to do whithout your love,
I don't know how to live without your look.

I love you with a mortal pure love
You know it even better than me.
So why did you choose another wrong side?
And why is your shore far away?

You can come back, I believe you can.
So do it please, as fast as anyone.
And if you soon return I will forgive
The pain that's still here in my heart.

Damn!Tou have pretty good English.Thanks for giving me a chance to read some english wrote poems,'cause I wonder,if someone else is trying to do something like this.
From Me with respect & smile to you.

Артем Ермин   21.12.2005 21:37     Заявить о нарушении
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