And Never Ending Battle

 И вечный бой,
 Покой нам только снится.
 А. Блок

Two suns have been eclipsed,
They're munched by fiendish clouds,
One sun's the saintest faith,
The other is a hope.

And seven ghoulish beasts
Appearing like dark winds,
They're dragons of the night,
They're seven deadly sins.

The first one is a greed
That's eating our souls,
Together with an envy
They turn us into slaves.

And only a generous heart
Can make this couple dead.
Deliver them a fight,
Be generous, my friend.

The next two're really nauseous
It's gluttony and sloth.
Our bodies're plumping up,
Our spirits come to death.

Don't let them eat you up,
Be active, cheer up,
And make your life nonstop
To keep these beasts away.

The dragon of the pride
Can make us blind and deaf,
Be modest to survive,
And never lose your head.

The sweetest one of them,
It's lust, the snakiest sin.
Remember, that's a flam,
Be virtuous and clean.

Destroy these foul snakes,
But never fall in wrath,
Because it's the seventh sin,
The cruelest one of them.

Our soul is so fragile,
The life is a wild stream.
So, never ending battle,
Tranquility is but a dream.
