Перевод песни Расула Гамзатова Журавли

1-ый куплет
It seems to me sometimes
That our soldiers,
Who didn’t come from nasty
Bloody fields,
Had not been buried
But became nice birds
They flew to sky and there always sing.


It will come day
When I with them together
Will fly in sky and sing
This touchy song
And call that whom
I left in sunny weather,
And ask them to forgive
My doing wrong.
2-ой куплет:

They fly in sky,
They are so sad and tired,
They fly in sky
From morning till the night,
I see an interval among their flying.
It is a place for me if I am right.


3-ий куплет:
They fly in sky
They sing so sad and quit,
The sun shines brightly,
Weather is so fine.
That’s why
We so often and inspired
Keep silent
Looking up into the sky.

