The Train

A rain at the left, and a fog on the right.
Black pines goes off their mind.
At the left – corpses of birches white,
And rails run under slope on the right.
A darkness swashes at the left in bogs.
On the right – small houses and their dogs.
At the left – the West, on the right – the East,
Stream of coaches, and knocks of wheels,.
In the morning – glad, in the evening – sad.
I'll never anywhere come back.

A very interesting poem. And, by the way, a very strong and unexpected comparison of the birches with the corpses. I’ve never met this in literature before. You seem to be a creative person.
With the best regards

Марина Тищенко   23.06.2005 12:41     Заявить о нарушении
Прошу прощение за вторжение.
Надежде Колноузенко:
Меня «радость» напрягает. Здесь нужно слово с ударением на конце.
С уважением.

Александр Невзоров   23.06.2005 12:43   Заявить о нарушении
Dear Marina! Thank you very much for your notice. I`m botanist, that`s why in my opinion people not at all better then trees.
With the best wishes
P.S. If you have a few time, look on the please

Владимир Немерцалов   11.07.2005 04:47   Заявить о нарушении