I want to wake up in the morning...

I want to wake up in the morning
And whisper silently your name...
And not to think about your warnings
And not to mince my words again…

And no new tricks and no more “sisters”
Whom you do hook up in the streets…
And no those vulgar songs at Christmas,
And no I-do-as-I-think-fit’s…

No dirty saucers in the kitchen,
No broken saucers on the floor,
And no your philosophic pictures,
I’ve-had-enough’s and banging doors…

No rooms which seem too cold and empty
And keep just smell of cigarettes,
No silence, gray and suffocating -
Nothing to make me feel upset..!

… So no more beer drunk in a corner
And no more words which cause me pain -
I want to wake up in the morning
And hear you whispering my name…

