Are u ready 2 pay?

Are you ready to pay for the things you’ve got?
Are you ready to answer for the things you’ve done?
Are you ready to fight against whole this world?
Are you ready to swear that I’m your only one?

Are you sure they are sincere, the things you say?
Are you sure that your actions have never hurt?
Are you sure it was me you loved yesterday?
Are you ready to pay for the things you’ve got?

Cause nothing’s free
And we’re to pay
For everything
We have today.
Words always lie -
We can’t be sure
In what we’ve said,
In what we’ll do…

Do you think it is right when the children die?
Do you think it is fair to make love for fun?
Do you think it’s worth talking to tell a lie? -
Ask yourself if I’m really your only one!

Can it be that you’ve been living as a saint?
Is it true that there is nothing to blush for?
Maybe there’s something you would like to forget… -
I can bet there is someone else you adore…

And someone else more, and someone else more!!!!!!
