Tea House in Blue Mountains

Mountain air brings clear vision.
Fog and white clouds mixing as foam.
Built in the hillside, with nature’s cohesion
fantasy huts by an owner-gnome.

One of the seven variety goblins
she cleans pine forests and boils charm’s drinks.
Beautiful drapes from blue magical poplin
cover hut’s windows with skies interlinks.

Loud and noisy, each morning in pairs,
white kookaburras create serenades.
Blue of the gums mixed with orange affairs; 
foliage of trees moulds enchanted arcades.

Next to the quick stream that runs through the garden
over the pond a tea house was built
raising it’s pitched roof and part of the barton 
dreams of Japan in Australia fulfilled.

Slender and graceful it floats over water
dipping the base in the lotus filled pond.
Temple to “Tea” with the golden pagoda
miracle healings with black wooden wands.

Sitting on silk covered elegant cushions,
we formed a part of the ancient beliefs,
tempting attraction of fragrant infusions
careful blending of water and leaves.

Ritual movements and musical murmur
different teas to restore and uplift
dreams, meditations and mystery tremors;
this is the way to enjoy and to live.

Гор Голубых,я видел даль
И слезой мокрел мой глаз
Но хижин с гномами ни раз
Увы , не наблюдал

Аркадий Клугман   13.12.2004 08:10     Заявить о нарушении
It looks like we are in the same part of the world.

The Tea House is as real as they can be. We visited magic huts approx 2 years ago. If you are interested I can look up and let you know the address. The place was Eagle Nest. The other place that has magic huts is "KIMS", however this one is on the Central Cost. The poem as usual is not an exact description, but bits and pieces of both places.

I assumed that you are in Australia, based on the e-mail address. Are you in Sydney?

Thank you for the expromt. I still have plans to rework this poem a bit.


А Н Е Л   14.12.2004 14:37   Заявить о нарушении
Я из Мельбурна. Сидней красивый город , но Мельбурн мне нравиться больше.Кстати, у нас организовали литературный кружок , года полтора назад. Мы собираемся раз в месяц.

На англицком стихи не пишу, боюсь людей насмешить.

Еврей в Сиднее и еврей в Мельбурне
В них много общего,но Мельнбуржский еврей
Сиднейского на голову культурней,
На две умнее, и на три скромней

Вы спросите меня ,-Откуда это?
Мельбуржец с радостью, а сиднеец с тоской
А очень просто! Как то, прошлым летом
Сиднейца встретив, сравнил его с собой

Keep in touch. Alex

Аркадий Клугман   15.12.2004 11:11   Заявить о нарушении