Tip tat... Bow-wow - children s

A little frog went for a walk
And met a little pretty dog.

Tip tat, tip tat... the little frog.
“Bow-wow, bow-wow!” - the pretty dog.

The little frog was in a fog
And ran away from that “bad” dog.

Tip tat, tip tat... the little frog.
“Bow-wow, bow-wow!” - the pretty dog.

The little frog escaped the dog
And hid behind the near log.

Tip tat, tip tat… the little frog.
“Bow-wow, bow-wow!” - the pretty dog.

“Where is this tiny funny frog?
Bow-wow, bow-wow!” – the pretty dog.

“Oh, what an awful, noisy dog! –
the frog was angry, - Croak! Croak!”

Tip tat, tip tat… the little frog.
“Bow-wow, bow-wow!” - the pretty dog.
