
…and you try to bullhorn you pleas to gods deaf,
Shouting recipes best, for ‘deity hear me’ repasts
Summoning for supper of substance, with gravy-query,
God of angels and men, come! Share! Listen!

…and the thunder drums closer. Soft. Deep. Intimate.
Hi! Is it You? Knocking through heaven… heaven… heaven…
Echo… Love unconditional. Jest of divine. What’s next?
The king shall not miss the ides of his rule. I understand. Another time.
– Perhaps, I hear.

Wow! It's great! Besides I think that poems're better in English...Your poem is light and very pleasant and beautiful! Thanks for it!

Best wishes,

Татьяна Кравец   30.04.2005 19:08     Заявить о нарушении
Hey Tanya! Thank you for the comment! I can relay its latter part back to you --- for the photo I see on your page. :) Can’t help myself not to complement your charm and sensuality - you look absolutely amazing!


P.S. What are you reading nowdays?

Fern   30.04.2005 22:35   Заявить о нарушении
Fern, thanks a lot!
Did you mean poetry or prose asking about what I'm reading?
Well, now I'm rereading Paulo Coelho! And my grandfather's poems as well. Many people say that writing is in my blood.


Татьяна Кравец   01.05.2005 09:16   Заявить о нарушении
If verses run through your blood, you must be one of the lucky mortals the world is ever to know! :)

I went to Brazil some time ago. Cashasa. That’s what I think got him into writing. :)
… and that’s the only beverage I will never touch again :) Are any of your grandpa’s poems are online?


Fern   02.05.2005 06:45   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.