Sheherezade Tale

These days they says
crocodile tears
of the best of love
can you handle
the door
must I say that
I  have just one heart
and it is already too foul
rime me eyes
beautiful you are
and your pain
drove Carmen insane
then I must be Anne
not an Anika
and Pipi I know not
or your other ones
my glove
is too small for everyone
my tale is
two crowded
to start
it needs a baloon
with hot air
and maybe pink elephant
and bags of sprinkles
to throw at the people's
to shine them all over
from our rainbow baloon
with an anchor
of darts...
Fasten your seat-belts:
my tale ...starts!

9 Jewely Day of the 2004
Sheherezade Night ;o)
