Wonders of the world

In our days there are many wonders,
Which were created years hundreds.
They are like progress in medicine, sience, new tehnic appear,
But the greatest wander is – we are still here.
The wanders are different and interesting too,
And its very important to learn for you,
About the pyramids, the temples and others,
Then to retell this to your sisters and brothers.
All of them have a great history of their appear,
But for a pity some of them have been disappeared.
And nobody can brought them back again.
But in our days are other wanders like computers, fax, plain,
These wanders made our life easier and nice,
Because it is a pleasure for our eyes
When we see computers, different machines, internet,
And we must thank scientists for that.
So, we must be careful and pay attention
To keep these wanders for next generations.
Which will follow our example and will  create something new,
Which will transform peoples life in truth.

Which will follow us and will create miracles in flow,
Which will transform peoples life into love.

Омагодан О   07.06.2004 13:07     Заявить о нарушении
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