To The Hearing by Tsvety and Petio Petev


No man’s land can be the finest field
If you have been where I’ve been.
How can the oldest wine be so hard to drink?
If mean can be double, I think.

No orchard has the finest birds
And that’s not a foul deed, my friend.
Birds singing can be the finest word
But only to the hearing.


To the hearing? - Is that ALL?
There's autumn, did you know?
There's no birds - leaves must fall...
And the birds in cages of snow -
There's winter, did you know?
What you hear is the blizzards.

There's spring and summer, did you know?
There's stars in skies - they glisten.
There's songs to hear, did you know?
Songs to hear and to LISTEN.


Mean is hearing if you don’t
And it’s birds singing if you recognize it.
The seasons have nothing in common at all
It’s the hearing that connects them.


In order to be mute the bird must eat much glue!!!
Out of the black and into the blue.
Out of the winter and into the spring.
What can a bird do instead of to sing?
Who cares about seasons when there's one to sing?
And another question - what the seasons bring?
It’s not the hearing that makes connection!
It’s the song that makes the hearing.
Some birds die of deep affection.
And no birds - no song - no hearing.


Here’s a clue - to glue the seasons
Can be hard without a bird
It’s true about the black ‘n’ blue
But what has the song of the lonely bird
With it to do?


Chants and hymns and mantras
Birds - black when lonely
Blue - when sing
You must be a deaf blind nerd
Not to know why do they do it?
Here's my clue - who orders pizza?
Pizza is for hungry people,
Songs for others - souls above,
Songs for one who seeks one love.

Singers sing in spring sun bubbles
Cause their lovers love them doubles.
Out of the black, into the blue -
Do you need another clue?


Need another clue, alright
But not about the why they do -
This is known to everyone.
But how can one recognize the blue
If one has never heard a bird
Singing like you do…


Do not confuse the hearing with the seeing
They sound familiar however
The hearing cannot be seen by the ordinary
And this is why no man’s land is a treasure
To the little black birds that sing for
And die of deep affection.


So men don't hear? Do you think?
A man is blind inside his deeps?
A man is winter for the bird?
The little bird's song cannot leap?
The little bird is so affected...
A pole of pain it gets errected...
But that's A man, not every man's land.
Don't die!
There's something you neglected.


Out of the black, into the blue:
The hearing of joint singing
Is surely what makes a bluebird –
Neglect then has lost its meaning.
Then out of no man’s land
A black bird is taken.

25 March 2003 
