One day, one night...

"Ah the losses into the All…
the plunging stars…"

And we who grapple with encroaching dark,
the nameless enemy who lurks outside,
greet each day as a reprieve,
with the silent, heartfelt joy
of front-line soldiers spared by death,
but clearly in the line of fire;
of birds who've not yet fallen
to the elements, or hunters' sights,
and find themselves, miraculously,
still in flight, still side by side,
wings beating in the air's
chill tide, their journey viable…

Let us live the earth's rotations
one by one; let us drink
the nectar of the sun,
with courage to stare forces
of destruction in the face
from dawn's blue gaze
to thickets of the night,
and in each day experience
the compass of a life…

for V.

Epigraph from Rilke's "Elegie fur Marina"
