It’s cold
I sit, or go, or sleep
The earth is cold, and white and round
Which is the worst
Because it means
That you’re in dreams when I’m on earth
That I’m in dreams when you’re on earth
And when the day becomes so gray
So dumb and mute and empties me
I cannot call I cannot run
I cannot find or know or feel
It’s not a tragedy of course
Ten days to wait…

The problem is
Without you
I cannot feel
The ground beneath my feet

Такой легкомысленный ник - и такие недетские стихи! Здорово!
Приятно читать близкий смысл на хорошем языке. Спасибо.

Марина Хорхе Mosquitos   13.05.2004 15:35     Заявить о нарушении
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