
Flows within me.
Music of green leaves and pink petals.
Strange music. Resembling murmurs of the rolling waves.
Not the crescendo of surf, not the grating of pebbles, but the inner soul of the ocean.
It might not even be a murmur, but the voice of the sea, or … voices?
This music is strange, distant, but magically
Clear; belonging not to me nor you, but to everyone.
Music sounding and reverberating in chimes, tunes and harmonies
To all corners of the body. Breaking out, sparkling and gliding outward to others.
Whether to people, or distant mountains, or woodland lakes.
Sounds and flows, as water does in a stream.
In  me.  Music.

bullshit!no rhyme,no you is there not music but somebody's dick,dude.

Afer   19.09.2004 11:10     Заявить о нарушении

Vlad De Vol   21.09.2004 10:53   Заявить о нарушении
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