Divine Irony

I am a clown in life's circus.
Along with other fools and puppets,
Succumbing to Miss Fortune's wishes,
We laugh and dance, like stupid muppets.

Miss Fortune? Well, she runs the show,
Determines roles, performance times,
Some don't ever get to go,
And others make it to act nine.

The cast, whose ego size amazes,
(Each member - star, in his own mind)
Expecting audience's praises,
Put on the masks and learn the lines.

What makes the show so ironic?
Divine irony is blatant:
The script for it has not been found,
And wanted audience is absent.

This is really, really cool!!!!!!
I will review it at the end of the month.


Athena Prose   27.04.2002 22:51     Заявить о нарушении
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