
I coming up to mountain high
Where snowing tops to tough the sky
I come here only for my aim:
I must win mortal danger game!
I staid above abyss and say
«My enemy you're ready play?!»
And from abyss to me had fly
A monster - snake who body ride
A million kilometers long;
He knocked on ground was very strong...
And avalanche begin and snake
Was cough me and began to shake...
He raised and throw me on the ground
I died was but I strong to found
In moment this was broken land
And blood was covered my hands
But was I staid  away don't go
My reluctance was only grow
Because I never be surrender
I hero and don't stay poltroon
And my heart don't alarm to danger
I win this combat... I know soon!
And give me world by hero glory
And be my enemy to lost
And be retold about this story
Many years in humans host.

excuse me, ma'am, but the strings written above containt a number of words put in together. i've (hardly) understood the core idea, but you're to work quite hard to make the thing shine and glitter: ain't an easy deed - to write poems in English.


а Кто Же Еще   21.12.2001 03:50     Заявить о нарушении