
Only when you're near it,
Only when it misses,
Only when you feel it,
Only when it hisses.

That is the moment,
That is the time,
You realise,
You could be gone.

You could be there,
Yet you are not.
You start to shake,
You are messed up.

Why did it miss you?
Why do you breathe?
Why did it spare you?
What does it need?

That rainy night I couldn't see the cops
Who waved to pull me over. Music off,
I thought I heard a shot above the rain.
I stopped. I could've missed that warning,
But second shot may not have missed me.
As I backed up to them, they stood around.
The sergeant dropped a hot and empty cartridge,
And bolted in a new. As money changed hands,
I realized my knees were wildly shaking.
A near miss. A pretty close shave,
It lets you know you are still alive.

Mahalingam   11.01.2002 05:01     Заявить о нарушении
Вот так зацепили за живое! Похоже, получилось вполне самостоятельная вещь. Спасибо за приступ вдохновения.

Mahalingam   11.01.2002 05:08   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.