
An angel that i saw,
Brought me a reason.
A reason that i known,
But"ve long forgotten.

Her inner tender care,
For those around.
Has left me speechless
And confound.

She cares for me,
But thats not it.
I love her immersly,
And my heart bleeds.

Why can"t she see,
Why can"t she feel.
The pain in me,
The pain i feel.

Is she ignorant,
or is she not.
In any case,
Alone i rot.

Alone untill tomorrow?
Alone untill i die?
I should tell her about my feelings,
But why can"t I?!

P.S. A huge thank you to Klyukva (Клюква)

aN angel that I saw

A? reason? or better The reason? or.. without the article?

"She cares for me,
But thats not it.
I love her,
And my heart bleeds."
----- I love her (for free)... there should be more sounds..

the last one - "But why cannot I?" - тоже просится больше слогов...

всего доброго!

Клюква   21.10.2001 10:54     Заявить о нарушении
Yes, you are correct, aN angel.. but that was merely a typing error.
As for your suggestions - they are very helpful, thanks a lot. I will try to rewrite these parts to be more fluent.

Thanks again, AAP.

Desperate   21.10.2001 17:32   Заявить о нарушении