Taste of the rains

Надия Медведовская
Oriental sonnet

The water of the rains gives strength for life,
Making the grateful pleasant drinks alike.
Fields, roads and gardens gently irrigating,
Invigorating body and soul with love.

The taste of honey herbs under the tongue,
The silver rains wide nets in every town.
Sustainability stretched far and wide,
Morning and evening drops the natural flower.

The earth longs for love's passion at the first,
And heavenly waters quench its burning thirst.

The water of the rains has made a stream,
For animals and humans like a dream.
For all the creatures taking care with shower,
The water of the rains gives life and power.


Английская версия сонета, поданного на конкурс поэтов Констанца "Nachhaltigkeit".

Немецкая версия: http://stihi.ru/2023/09/08/6504
Украинская версия: http://stihi.ru/2023/09/08/7052
Исходник на русском: http://stihi.ru/2023/07/15/462

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