23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
03.12.2021    Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
2021.12.03.    UK   

23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля
#23andMe #Problems of Client to Delete Profiles

23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля

#23andMe #Problems of Client to Delete Profiles

23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля
#23andMe #Problems of Client to Delete Profiles

2021.12.04       UK

To 23andMe Customer Service

THE REQUEST To Delete DNA sample, Account, data, all personnel data related to account
on your company web-sides

I had a time to think about as a low trust as what we saw 2028-2021 not to you but
so strange abnormal attitude to humans being making a low trust
and a wish to delete my DNA account my DNA samples "just in case"
as worries which hand may use this and how and my life experience of 60 yp woman living in UK,
Russian Ethnic, British Citizen.
I find a strange to easy to delete my own profile
in this so hard time with loss of the trust in the society
and worries what may come to each us and ours.
What i saw as some activities was not acceptable to be happen.
So, the safety issues which low down the trust in a society not knowing what to think
put me to conclusion to delete my all data, DNA samples, data, personnel data.
I have money to pay if I will stay alive and if i change my mind.
2nd, the presentation results is not visual easy seen so i paid money not having what i paid for.
I feel this as upsetting clients or a humiliation clients as a company which do not respect own clients while taking money of clients. This is so funny to see they pay their money and nobody complain not able to see results as so polite shame delicate soft people, waiting things changed themselves? but nobody changed all some for years 2015-2021?

I decided with a pettiness but to delete Accounts and all related DNA data, please.
My  Account Deletion Request Identifier: 4b0ed4c257..

Your link was not worked to put this symbols to the empty fields,
so, please, do this yourselves on my requests.

Thanks forwards, have a good Christmas,
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

See my experience of 60 yo woman as a client

From communication with 23andMe Company
Genetic Testing, DNA Profile, The Experience

23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля

#23andMe #Problems of Client to Delete Profiles

Oldest emails

Eanna Balzina-Balzin, Dec 3, 2021, 12:21 PM PST:
I changed my mind
deciding to continue to keep my DNA profile in 23andMe
as some people tried to find Ancestry Roots, family roots,
some for the proving the history or to add the facts of history.

I spend a lot money time since 2009 in the genetic testing programs
to compare my DNA to DNA database *Archaic, Antic, modern"
so with the add the search of historical facts, the official and unofficial and family and legend s history.

I was upset as a client of 23andMe and FTDNA that

1. the results of compare had not a choice to be presented to read them all as one whole long list as easy comfortable way to look through but with about 25 or lines making not practical use to press to read all pages of information and a loss of speed of reading too and making a competitive moving which may break of a wrist muscle to have RSI medical painful conditions for clients and so to damage muscles/nervous of clients 'wrists writing hand .
2. I had RSI (Repetitive strain injury (RSI)) before as worked on a factory making some moves and this was painful.
3. so, i cried as i paid money to have the information i was interesting but your presentation method was not useful for clients.
4. But i find a competitive DNA database, free to use, as Gedmatch.com web-side where Rodger'old web-side collected a;; DNA tests results to provide a FREE competive RESULTS in a PRACTICAL USE FORM as One long list.
5. I do not know WHY have clients paid their MONEY to YOUR COMPANY and so HARD to add CHOICES of presentation as 1. the quantity on a list 25-50-70-100 ---- or --- not deviding THE WHOLE RESULTS on one long list (GEDMATCH.COM results so, where MORE presentable practical COMFORTABLE thinking about CLIENTS an so MORE COMPETITIVE).
6. FF FTDNA more compatitive for more nice (old what was) look too and to choices to searh any surnames or mixed letter.
7. The Ancient DNA database much better huge bigger intereting in Gedmatch.com (Free to use)
8. Rodger sold his company web side Gedmatch and new owners ideas put loss of Rodger's ability which attracted clients as moved to start 7 cM while there are was possible to use a size to compare before 1cM o 0.35 cM or any making interesting to use to compare to archaic DNA.
9. So, i was so used Gedmatch had loss what they provided and what other companies 23andMe and FTDNA and Genebase and others had not provided to clients making me so upset as to feel a modern time moved to ability of Stone Age information.
10. Your company had not provided the access to information while advertisement attracted me was "The Ancestry" "Genetic Cousins" so i paid and for me and for soe knowns as Mr Almer Syson, my neibour of street to his birthday. But i do not find this right to pay to find your presentation way "about 25 names per sheets" for people with over 1,000 -3,000 genetic cousins to press to change a page to a next would be much to
11. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a general term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse.

It's also known as work-related upper limb disorder, or non-specific upper limb pain.

The condition mostly affects parts of the upper body, such as the:

* forearms and elbows
* wrists and hands
* neck and shoulders

Symptoms of RSI

The symptoms of RSI can range from mild to severe and usually develop gradually. They often include:

* pain, aching or tenderness
* stiffness
* throbbing
* tingling or numbness
* weakness
* cramp

At first, you might only notice symptoms when you're carrying out a particular repetitive action.

But without treatment, the symptoms of RSI may eventually become constant and cause longer periods of pain. You may also get swelling in the affected area, which can last for several months.

What to do if you think you have RSI

If you develop symptoms of RSI and think it may be related to your job, speak to your employer or occupational health representative.

It may be possible to modify your tasks to improve your symptoms.

See your GP if symptoms continue, despite attempts to change how you work.

Read more about diagnosing
What causes RSI?

RSI is related to the overuse of muscles and tendons in the upper body.

Certain things are thought to increase the risk of RSI, including:

* repetitive activities
* doing a high-intensity activity for a long time without rest
* poor or activities that involve working in an awkward position

Cold temperatures and vibrating equipment are also thought to increase the risk of getting RSI and can make the symptoms worse. Stress can also be a contributing factor.

Jobs that involve repetitive movements can lead to RSI, such as working on an assembly line, at a supermarket checkout or on a computer.

Your work environment should be as comfortable as possible. You should ideally have a workplace assessment so that any adjustments needed can be made.

Your employer has a legal duty to try to prevent work-related RSI and ensure anyone who already has the condition doesn't get any worse.

How RSI is treated

The first step in treating RSI is usually to identify and modify the task or activity that is causing the symptoms. If necessary, you may need to stop doing the activity altogether.

To relieve symptoms, your GP may recommend taking paracetamol<https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/paracetamol/> or a short course of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug<https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nsaids/>, such as ibuprofen<https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/ibuprofen/>. They may also suggest using a hot or cold pack, elastic support or splint.

You may also be referred to a physiotherapist for advice on posture and how to strengthen or relax your muscles. Some people find that other types of therapy help to relieve symptoms, including massage, and
Read more about treating
How to prevent RSI

Most employers carry out a risk assessment when you join a company to check that your work area is suitable and comfortable for you. You can request an assessment if you haven't had one.

There are also things you can do to help reduce your risk of getting RSI, such as:

* maintaining good posture at work – see how to sit at a desk * taking regular breaks from long or repetitive tasks – it's better to take smaller, more frequent breaks than one long lunch break
* trying breathing if you're stressed

If you work at a computer all day, make sure your seat, keyboard, mouse and screen are positioned so they cause the least amount of strain.

See tips on preventing for more detailed advice about using a mouse and keyboard at work.

Page last reviewed: 19 November 2018
Next review due: 19 November 2021


+++ Some Health and Safety issues == the damages of working in computer: RSI

==== So, the method of thinking to provide the information to clients as your company 23andME
on the repeatedly PRESSING BUTTONS method "press to see next page"

1. abnormal method for any intelligent human beeing
2. people clients PAID ALREADY their money TO SEE THE INFORMATION
3. to find THEY MUST WORK PRESSING how many time? to work PRESSING BUTTON THE NEXT"?
4. the ask and the obligation to do things as A WORK
5. Clients are NOT STAFF OF COMPANY.
6. The old profile deleted all straight on a pressing DELETE MY PROFILE
8. if to try to press "delete my profile" the next asking to read lots and not giving THE DELETION
9. i used to delete BOTH ACCONTS I PAID FOR 2 profiles
10. each was not deleted.
11. one asked to provide a code sending to email
12. but the link with code gave a page where was NOT A FIELD to put this code
13. instead, was the ask TO PUT PASSWORD AGAIN
14. but the password was not accepted, making a long recovery forgot password-recovery back
15. in the way to delete profile was some ruitine as NOTHING WAS DELETED but to re-linked to instructions how to delete or email (I so emailed having replay to go to do all myself via NOT WORKING PROPERLY WEB SIDE PROGRAMMS)
16. I do not think i am satisfied
17. I was one of the greatest DNA tests supporter as I was interesting in the history, - official, unofficial, family, legends, new studies, histories.
18. My Genetic Cousins from testing had contacted some but mostly and any was not working contact to be my knowns-friends-or a social web side friends while some add some to my family roots, photos or a knowledge whom was genetically connected to me, but a huge social class group distance conflicts and Ethnical Groups and all so different some in different countries build a solid social distance. I had not find my support here as the idividual and this leaning that what was already broken in the past would be a probled to glue back after a time.
19. so, just the curiosity to see plenty names of genetic cousins as a results of testing, --- BUT AND THIS WAS NOT ABLE AS NOT PROVIDED IN A COMFORTABLE READABLE MANNER ON WHOLE WEB LIST JUST TO READ NAMES .
23. I mean i feel this way as your company promise to clients as a LIE TO A CLIENTS as your company BETRAY PROMISES TO CLIENTS as your company NEGLET clients, HUMILATION clients, attempts TO CONTROL MANUPULATE clients "press button! ahain and agian!" (to do this would be A WORK and so UNPAID WORK).
24. I mean i was really glad happy proud 1st reading my DNA testss would be in Houston USA, Houston-Space-Science, so prouding touchings as a connections to NASA. I was so glad.
25. ----
26. Plenty rich people used others cheep not paid well for them to be richer richer rich in a power as a way of attitude to all others including own staff or clients.
27. But when we saw a new scientific company as a new knowledge about humans we all felt you as pioners to the future of mankind so dreamers to build a nice future for each all to be a proud. we may did this!
28. -----------
29. So, we all trust your company, giving bits of own DNA samples, making your company to build own DNA database.
30. Plenty scientists built their career stidy using this DNA database some for Police to find things as a help was.
31. -----------------
32. But 2009-2021 years and what we see know? The some OUT_DATED presentation look MAKING CLIENTS USING THIS SOME WITH RSI -- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/
33. This new computer users illness was prescribed in a medical literature and in the rules of the HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORKING PLACE as a bad manner to ask to do things repeatedly pressing == this and a damage of musles of wrist, and a type of humilation of clients and their abilities to read too.
34. ===============
35. I read plenty old clients of 23andMe wrote they had a hardness to delete their DNA and profile
36. I am a witness for 2 profiles (Mr Almer Syson and my profiel of Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) as some
37. as the presentation method so discomfortable not 1 one long list as in Gedmatch making not useful prectically or making RSI (REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY SYMDROME (RSI) (SEE NHS UK WEB-PAGE) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/ AS A DAMEGE OR REPEATEDLY PRESSINGS.
42. I asked deleted 2 profile, both i paid and the owner.
43. i asked via a web-side pressing DELETE with no result
44. I asked via following a link having a code for delation seen no a page with empty field to write this code but to read rules how to delete all ahain as a cirle to be in some again
45. i read to your emails asking some as the deletion of two profiles and DNA samples of two profiles from your database
46. You replied me you had not deleted you advice me to follow the repeatedly go again some profile view page settings to press delete profile why i reported this press put on rules how to delete profile without the deletion.
47. I feel this as a dishonest repeadely hulation of clients of 23andMe whom paid money providing THEIR TRUST and THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT YOUR COMPANY .
48. as now, as i feel this, i would not recommend to trust own DNA and money to your company 23andMe, working to present results to damage clients health by RSI (REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY SYMDROME (RSI) (SEE NHS UK WEB-PAGE) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/ AS A DAMEGE OR REPEATEDLY PRESSINGS. as to press next button on presentation results web page, 5-25 names per page for 1,000-3,000 cousins a lot of repeatedly work with a slow speed of reading and access to information which MUST PROVIDE AS PAID FOR THIS.
49. I am 60 yo to lean how any company had changes when 1st Pioneers of Company Enthusiasts passed away or leaved on pensions or dismissed for making more profits by new owners or theirs the next to owe.
50. Some whom interested in a new knowledges replaced by not interesting but interesting in a profit just or in a power just as a social power and a humilation of whom trusted as own staff, colleges, clients. Plenty companies had this way of developing some as Internet and Facebook had a loss of a new knowledge and a freedom of information to mode to resctrited controlled repeatedlty not nice to just to present sale sides to make profits.
51. I feel a loss of my trust to 23andMe as a client leaning the attitude of comapnyand company staff members to me as to their client (paid my money to them). The poor presentation of results in a view which not practical to use or making a damage of musles RSI using this - RSI (REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY SYMDROME (RSI) (SEE NHS UK WEB-PAGE) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/ AS A DAMEGE OR REPEATEDLY PRESSINGS. some as the attemts to delete own DNA (personnel private information, genetic profiles, names, contacts).
52. as the Internet moved from a free zone to a well-controlled zone, i do not feel this safe or nice and this somethings as RSI (REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY SYMDROME (RSI) (SEE NHS UK WEB-PAGE) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/ AS A DAMEGE OR REPEATEDLY PRESSINGS. via the control restrictions where any chart in Internet under the control to personnel information and DNA genetic as this still, as the collection of plenty personnel information.
53. Plenty people in a different countries some via Youtube impressed their feelings about controlled restriction-similar to this RSI (REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY SYMDROME (RSI) (SEE NHS UK WEB-PAGE) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/ AS A DAMEGE OR REPEATEDLY PRESSINGS. or muscles, minds, human mentality, enjoyment of life, not just the power of some social class group of humans but as a hidden historical facts including some ALIENTS controlled the planet, using human bodies as a meat supply, orphans supply, energy of human cells supply similar to FARMING on humans similar tp a farming plants, cows, pigs, chickens.
54. Plenty people feel this so strong as the reality of life in their countries which different but all the some that they picked to sterilize themselves or via operation to change a sex as a hidden method of -self-sterilization with deletion reproductive organs and the ability to reproductive to have own children.
56. I am living in UK, British Citizen UK, and when i have my experience as unemployed with JCP staff, British Officials, they had a colonial attitude to others to ask to work a free for them ask to do somethings and they never paid as they just had their salaries, sick notes paid, pensions. They liked to asl some repeatedly things and they never reated on ask please stop this , i am not your slave.
57. I worked for 3 years in Tesco UK, my private personnel pension for this time from Tesco to me 164 pounds per year since my 55 yo age. This level is not enough for UK to survive as much too small.
58. I left Tesco as i was damaged here working on their till with automatic voice taking repatedly some things over over over to listen while working, and Tesco Manager asked me and us all to talk the some text of his -her writing words to words the some too, making presentations humans Homo Sapiens biological creatures as type fo ROBOTS MACHINES WORKING AS CASHIERS ON TILLS. We weared the some uniform each, we had some rules of presentation look(some as just hygiene rules to keep a clean body, nails, hairs as we worked scanning product items for customers ). I had a stess on the work note out 2 weeks as i had a type of metal dissability to use to prounance the some text over over over during a shift and a sickness-i started to have a sichness seeing a till or words TESCO - so strong damaged on a fully controlled competitive repeatedly work to say some words.
59. I left a work on day, i could not moved to work, i had a sickness.
60. I was not able to go to TESCO to buy things here during years years years and not able to star to work again too.
61. I mean the ask to humans to work fast repatedly some as they are biological creatures is a biological humilation.
62. Humans are a biological cretaures and they are not robots.
63. ----------------------------------------------
64. As 23andMe company worked with HUMANS DNA - we are as humans clients paying our money trusted to company, thinking they for human, for the biological humans having their DNA.
65. ------------------------------
66. But all these details as communication with clients and presentation advised products to humans clients on this way which i feel as a neglet, a humilation, a lie to a clients, making clients not be able to read results as a presentation method 5 per page or 24-25 per page just with a repeatedly pressing button the next page" (which is a work to press the button reapetedly) - the humilation of won clients-- so, THE COMPANY STAFF (whom had not paid money and not provided their DNA) - they may be may use DNA data base look lists of names, mtDNa, YDNA, etc, etc, as whole list to any sort (by any parameters) , - while a naive trusted humans beeings clients had not the results which deviding for plenty pages by the divide "press next page button"
67. I never looked searched the my genetic cousins list results as i was not able this pressings the next button over over.
68. So, i had not a product a paid as an advert was providing this. The Company 23andMe had not provided what they promised.
69. Let's ask The Court Judges to ask The 23andMe each staff from oweners top to customer service to press the next button as they ask own clients to press.
70. and as not possible to delete accounts, prfofiles, samles some way asking to delete-they point to read pages how to delete instead to delete = they keep your persennel genetic DNA information "as their own" property with you no access to delete your DNA sample, your profile.
71. 72. Ok. what needs for DNA samples copies now as these "new studies" "to make robots" as "robots-soldiers", "robots-workers" and "robots" as "whom had not any human rights a sthey just robots, machines, bia-machines" by mind of top social class, where humans Homo Sapience already started to be treated as ROBOTS or BIOROBOTS NO HUMAN RIGHTS "work fast fast faster" "on NMW" "National Minimal Wage" paying taxes leaving nothing as a normal comfortable life conditions, a good food drinks clean water.
73. I mean British Laws treats humans in UK on a lowests life conditions levels
74. Housing Benefit below the rent level for years, tears some "this was 10-15-20 years back "
75. No one well-paid British Council Official or JCP Officials ask collectors of a real rent on each street area for years used this statistic to update Housing Benefit to cover the rent to survive.
76. So, humans see "people in power working for local Councils/JCP" as whom had a jobs as a "well paid social class group place" , no needs to update Housing Benefits for 20 years some, no need to update Living Element (minimal of surviving) while praces for a bread, a milk, food, travel, up, - not in benefits which may low suddely to cover wages of top British Politics in power and their huge teams of Offciials to be well paid"
77. people see these as "talking heads not a real work, just talking heads for huge salary from budgets" as "robots without huminity to humans as this was not programmed"
78. All papers as some strange repatedly questions to huamns in UK (some in USA?)
79. "What is your sex group?"
80. "Had you changed your sex group from your birthday ever?"
81. "How many times had you changed your sex from your birth?"
82. "What is your sexual orientation?"
83. "What is your race (colour of your scin)?
84. "What is your religion?"
85. "What is your Ethnic Group?"
86. --------------------------------
87. "Are you working on THESE whom on benefits?"
88. "Are your Christian (The Church of England or Catholic) or THESE WHOM DIFFERENT FROM THIS?"
89. "Had you born in UK or THESE whom are MIGRANTS in UK?"
90. "Are you from British Ethnic Group or THESE whom others (migrants in UK)?"
92. ----------
93. the filling of THE QUESTIONNEAIRE is the OBLIGATED in UK
94. in a hospital BEFORE a medical staff started to provide their treatment of patients NHS as a free healthcare including from which country are you from ? (coming 35 years back???) (still these migrants while British Citizen UK?)
95. I filled the questionnaire prior as asked as hospital refused to provide a healthcare help on referral of GP to treat the arthritis twisted foot in pain in Physiotherapy" "He checked questions read "to check i answered" and said me "the level of a pain you have is not so high " (to use a microcirculation massage of area or a warming area" to reduce a pain . The open doors near to this place where just me one was as a patient sitting waiting and some Cryo... special machines (waiting orphans of patients? I was 60 with arthurites so i left?)
96. I am living in UK since 1992. 1992-2021. I doubt seen what i had in any "medicine" and if any "medical staff" asked something this may be someone wants your body orphans for a donation or medical experiences on humans as my personnel opinions to see what i saw here in UK putting me to loss the trust to NHS, healthcare, the state, in officials, any. as a point a power-money-fears created the atrophy in a humanity attitude to humans. The Pension age for mothers in age as to female born as females giving lives to other humans marks as a low respect by the huge growth of pension age for females and to mothers up up up.
97. So, a single female making her career would be much better financially righter any mother in age, helping to give a life and helping to grow up children or to be just a home wife.

1. I mean when we all provide our DNA samples to your company and to others paid our money we dreamed to have own goals for a curiosity and to help to create the better life for now and for the future.

1. But as we see a modern society state with this huge giants Burocratic Systems of officials, rules, restrictins, controlled a life of each or way the humilation, damaged, repeatedly where nothing a normal warm human beings alive living things leaving no gladness or enjoyment as commands
2. I think here a much too big ability to any genetic company to sold DNA of clients to create soldiers, robots, biorobots, slaves, sex slaves, robots-soldiers, and as i saw plenty whom enjoyed to be just sadists in power to them to use DNA to find way to produce a pain, a humiliation, control of life and the life length.
3. as all this with a loss of trust i feel this way as better TO DELETE ALL DNA SAMPLES IN DATABASE SO PROFILES
4. which i paid for two - for mine, Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin and to Almer Syson, both from one some street, neighbours were being.
5. ----
6. I mean my decision to delete my DNA profiles, samples, was on a way of a loss my trust via all i saw in UK 1992-2021 as a life, Officials, the attitude inside a country to own people, living here in UK.
7. If to noticed a way of living in UK as the standard low trust to each with a closed private life closed doors for visitors, i mark this as the loss of the trust via a life experience for generations including to a power and people in power in UK.
8. British Christian Charity - Providers The Help for homeless under the full state control instructions not to provide any help without the reffel letter from Official from JCP Centre - while some towns and villages far away in another place on a distance from JCP and unemployed low income or a homeless may have not money to afford the travel expenses to travel via nus or a train or a taxi making people of any age if they not able to walk without any help as restricted to provide the help without a signed referral letter from JCP Officials, whom controlled all British Charity as The Owners
9. I know some Officials JCP "forgot to sign to validate their referral letter" and The Controllers of Christian Charity members staff REFUSED to provide any food parcels for women in age if unemployed low income in age while this is a vulnerable group of citizens having a hardness to find the employment place in a society where a pension age was 55 yo for a private pensioners females and 60 yo was the state pension age for females. The rapid change 60 yo to 66 yo and to 78 yo and to 85 yo 3rd wave for mother's in age and females born as a females as thanks for a giving a life here on this planet The Earth in UK/EU/Eussia/USA.
10. I do not know about USA/Canada, but some females born female picked a choice to sterilise themselves to stop to have children in a control hell state as so plenty humiliation making similarity to think we all died and we live in the HELL WITH DEVILS IN POWER whom enjoyed to humiliate HUMANS. if you born as a human being, you will cry after from sadists in power enjoying to be sadists, command, humiliate others.
11. I came in UK having University Degree. British man used his criminal habits and i was not able to have the help as they prefer to enjoy to torture humilate people of Other Ethnic Groups naming "these whom migrants not born in UK" "these whom low income", the social barriers so from "these whom in power" or from "these whom Officials "
12. I cried i wanted to have my children. My British husband was older me on 9 years and not able to have children as he had a sterilisation via vactersermia on 28yo. He said me "Let we adapted African children from Africa instead as ours as the state will pay money for us for each till their 16 yo age!"
13. I was a white race female we had 35,000 - 70,000 per year and so ability as the financial ability.
14. My British husband born in UK as British Ethnic white race looked for me to be "a honest wife" and so "no any babies!"
15. I was a honest wife, no sex outside a family, no so any pregnancy and he had not ability to have children and disliked the have them.
16. But i was a mother of 3 officially, - 2 from my 1st marriage before this and one adapted by me.
17. I would adapted more, and from Africa too, i liked children, but not on a base to adapt others not having own.
18. My Great Grandfather had and his children and adapted children. His brother had 40 children, 4 from each his 10 wives and still some adapted on a top of this. My mother's father's family had Paediatrician (Medical Doctors for Children), so types families always owed and own and adapted children as more kind for generations as Nannies and Paediatricians and Governess and Primary teachers or Priests.
19. But some were another as Baroness or Military Soldiers, Officers, or farmers.
20. some of biggest families were Criminals, thieves, murders, not nice, but Adam 's son Kain killed his brother Abel Avel. I have genetic coisins and Ka Car Carr start and Abel Avel.
21. My mother's father was 1st in hooting excises as a Military Border Journalists. 1st Place in a shooting in a special training military group. But they are not murders to murder someone a special by a special order tasks.
22. My grandmother, his wife from her 13 yo age, asked a British soap for her last bath and he gave to her this and saved her life while she should be shooting as a British Spy by Laws of that time in USSR.
23. His daughter my mother had a dark brown growth on her head similar i had in 2009?2010? some shot me here, the blood was outside a lot and this growing, i had a special operation to cut this to burn vessel blood back to stop to bleed and this to grow. So, someone shot my mother in her head and she survived. If this was my grandfather 's team or him himself adapting her and her mother after, i do not know this, my mother named him as her Dad. She said me she had this from her childhood.
24. I mean there was a possibility he was in some shooting team in USSR area and he might adapted as his wife and his daughter someone, helping survive and to cover. He was a Blonder blue eyes light eyes and my mother had a dark hairs brown eyes. He was a tall and she was a small some her mother a little Lady 135 cm-145cm mtDNA H5a2 some as Picts of Shetland Island Scotland. Women of my family was some brown eyes dark hairs picking males blond hairs light eyes, mixing genes and always trying more tall righter own height.

I do not answer you here for any of your questions to me. I need to think 1st, taking a calming time out again, to keep or to delete my DNa and profile.

I am still a living alive so no a grief here to delete as i always may pay to do again, still your have another V5 format and

as your company 's genetic cousins results lists is not usefull for me, not wanting to have thes RSI damages of my wrists

* RSI (REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY SYMDROME (RSI) (SEE NHS UK WEB-PAGE) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury-rsi/ AS A DAMEGE OR REPEATEDLY PRESSINGS.
* so, your results presentation look is NOT USEFUL TO LOOK AT AT ALL
* while i paid for me to be able to look at
* so, your company had not provided for me a product your company promised via the adverts
* i paid for the full health and ancestry
* my main interest was The Ancestry - - particular The Archaic DNa Neaderthals denisova race, mixes
* I find The Archaic DNA in Gedmatch in a well presentation look for me to look at
* I find Genetic Cousins List Compare DNA Results in Gedmatch one (1)(ONE) whole list easy comfortable to scroll down , saving my time for me to see surnames quick all
* Your company peaked money and your company had a time to improve the choices of presentation of results from not useful practically as comstantly repeated to press the next button to a one scroll down up list.
* so, people do tests here, to take to download to OTHER COMPANIES web side with more better presentation of compare results.
* any company has goals of owners of company as a flag and the way to work with.
* i find straight these games in power using clients profiles not to follow to improve the comfort
* so, some client in age having a thinner bones must to press the button "the next page" or "delete my profile" ever and ever and over without no results?
* of i try to find my family geneology roots surnames relatives connections loss of family links i would be not able to press next page as this is THE WORK TO PRESS THE BUTTON NOT THE PRESENTATION OF RESULTS TO SEE RESULTS.
* I mean the company created the mini-hell of sadists in power taking money of clients to laugh on the clients to be so naive.
* any normal human neing as a staff would noticed this as a tester of own company products - how many tesrters of own company products had their DNA in own company 23andMe? Including the owners? to advice this as nice to use as a comfortable?
* When i worked as a Care Assistant if The Centre we had a trainings with experiences as TESTERS of products, - what feel whom should be lift by hoisters? or whom listen any talks about them but clients? the experience as TESTER OF PRODUCTS of own company (for owenrs and their family members and staff and their family) should be a good refferal mark recommendation with experience to indetificate a weak uncomfortable thinks or a wrong attitude of own staff training to treat clients.
* I mean your owners and theirs and your staff and their would tried this awful web-side to see names of own genetic cousins pressing the next page, for people with Norway roots having 1,000 - 6,000 genetic cousins - how much to press 3,000 or 6,000 or 1,000 in 25 cousins per page to read all names surnames to see photos here, please? as a point of genetic test is a curiosity to read these all names , - this is impossible.
* so, a joke on clients
* but if this would be a scroll down possibilities as some page, and the sorting by Alphabets in any directions or picking all on some letter or letters or some surname or some mtDNA or YDNA
* Lets try Your company presentation results, FF FTDNA, Gedmatch, Geni, My Heritage, Genebase, GPS DNA (HomeDNA) to see all strong points of others as missing points here as a lots of them, these missing points of a sparks.
* Your company grow enough to build better web side results.
* some things are nice, maps use nice,
* the information on side as optional to theme nice

I dislike idea my DNA may used someone to create robots, biorobots, walkers-robots, soldiers-robots

and still fears some dishonest may use genetic results for black market 's donor orphans (killing extraction orders) - some dishonest not to value a life of another.

Some clients for The Health issues if they ill in old age but with money rich, - i worry some may search for donor of orphans and ready to kill.

I mean i point this low trust as my willing to delete my profile to safe my own closed relatives ancestors from dishonest crowds.

While if people would trust to people as a normal society of humans this would be nice as a curiosity or contacts.

No one wrote me or to know me or to help me or to be a friend of me or to pass a heritage to me to help.

My own children grandchildren said me on this moment as not interesting and not feel this way in this modern time.

Any scientific study "improving life/ health" is going for a private medicine and so avaible for rich top elite class or middle class.

I mean some Pioneers of science after are not always valueted

I mean i fill as this optional control of life with commands and controls flashed away any wish to develop any science knowledge as any attempt build just the power of command control on life of others with loss of human rights and a free speech choices and a loss of enjoy of life to fee all as The Hell with Devils in power and servants of them. as The Prison State States society treated each no trust not value fully controlled, as The Open Zoo State which each Citizen has rights of animal in a Zoo cell = no human rights/

I rent a private accomodation, paying my money in UK Landlord and Agency.
I pay my money to have my home, to have a key to open a door to come onside.

The Agency "rules" valudated THEM rights to have The Key and open to go inside.

So, i paid my money to go inside as to my home .
They just used the key to go inside to my rented home "as they have keys and wanted as their curiosity"

This UK as a private prison state where each "Citizen UK" treated as "The Prisoner in The Prison UK without human rights".

The rich elite class had money to protect them similar a rich criminal (murders, thieves, peadaphils) had much better condtions, buying them.

The middle class 50-50

The low income no money to a Solicitor? No human rights.

so, a gang of criminals in power and richest and all state Officials servants of them all.

Bin Laden was not in a Iraque, in Afganistan
Bin Laden had finded in Pakistan, "friendly to British, co-British area"
Bin Laden's sister and so family lived in UK, owed their Bin Laden family members private bussiness in UK, in EU - his sister died in Scotland in UK, the crash of her helicopter was.
Bank accounts so had been here in UK-EU banks and in USA banks as he used to fly to USA.
But USA never tried to find him in UK-EU via a possible visits of his own family members or his possible bank accounts or to put sanctions to bank accounts of Bin Laden family
making strange to think he was innocent man whom lied he did this all as his fantasies.
Including this as a knowledge of a work of security of American airports systems: USA authority/newsmakers pointed to all this: THERE ARE NEEDS TO LIVE IN FAR FAR AWAY COUNTRY (Iraq, Afghanistan) and never to be a Security Staff American airports to know all as working in details as the information providing just special American security staff so born in USA land people.
And, so, they killed Bin Laden as not weaponed man rounding women of harem so probably a naked too as instructed this as no one in USA was interesting to know providers of information and etc help in USA for his group as to "ex"-CIA agent USA Bin Laden whom always loved fancy money and "suddenly had a full loss and a sickness to be a paid CIA agents USA"??? a strange choice of picking CIA agents By CIA Professionals , Psychologists CIA?? as he was picked 1 of plenty males living money.

All brain-washed heads in USA trusted Colin said we need to attack Iraq as (one German taxi-driver in Germany original from Iraq said this for his right to stay in Germany for saying as advised to say).

There was not any weapons.
Died bodies of each sides on a field battles in Iraq.

* Sorry, i lied this. as if i would not , - no one would walked to a war in Iraq to fight here!

I mean no needs in DNA testing
as this System of Lie may order to lie anything.
and any staff of any company will lie or do the order.

No one worried in USA about civilians lives
own American soldiers lives
allies British and German and Polish soldiers

If USA would be a normal civilian state, the American would took all properties whom lied to Nation creating wars as the state property to a budget of USA,
including private pensions and pensions over a low national minimum level
to move each crowds down on a social steps
as lies
as betrays

to add their family members circles
down to low

extracted a rights to vote for 50 years for each.

So, a twisted mix down turn to people in power to stay alive living but in down level far of power
as the attempt re-create back their humanity to value a life of each whom is living alive.

and to put them all, additionally,
to live in areas they attacked
in Iraq , in Afghanistan
as these sides countries life here was MUCH HIGHLY IMPORTANT for them all to look at here to fight for a better life here=so, they are greatest supporters of Iraq and Afghan.

or not to move, live them in USA as they all the product of USA for USA.

Really, pitty, so bright people, plenty of them, were or are.

What started to be a wrong with them, living in USA?
Some chemical poisoning? or somethings?
Plenty were being kind people and suddenly such,
,ay be some type of illness infection was in UK as a Covi or not named yet?

I read a memory notes of WWII time with Americans as foreigners remember them as a really kind polite nice soft people, really kind.

Plenty people supported USA for a Freedom of Speeches, Choices, Words, open abilities to be rich.

Suddenly, this twisted turn to a full controlled society of Zoo or Prison or Farm Yard with treatment humans as a type of Zoo animals or prisoners since the birth.

May be some aliens attacks were being in USA? taking the state power in USA? as whom hated humans? and so hated females mothers grandmothers women girls born as girls?

People around living outside USA thought USA state power under evil aliens devils full control with goals to reduce humans so these wars.

But as USA is so huge territory with a over big military, - no one able to help Americans living in USA in cases of aliens devils took power here. There are no such military resources or states or countries to be able to help. especially people said this is not just in USA had been happenned.

we do not know what was and is or will be.
better to destroy DNA samples for bed evil in power to stop to use to create robots or biorobots
or robots in power.
Report2 Security Issues
23andMe Customer Care | Europe <support@23andmeeurope.zendesk.com>
Fri 12/3/2021 20:22
# Please type your reply above this line #
Hello Eanna,

Your request has been updated below. Feel free to reply to this email with any questions or additional comments.
From: 23andMe Customer Care | Europe <support@23andmeeurope.zendesk.com>
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 06:02
To: Eanna Balzina-Balzin   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Request # 4442583: How would you rate the support you received?

Gemma, Dec 1, 2021, 9:40 AM PST:
Thank you for contacting the 23andMe Team. I understand you wish to follow up with the deletion status of your neighbor's account, I followed up with the email address you listed with more information. If you or Almer's loved ones have access to this email inbox, they may navigate to this inbox to review the follow up message.
Also, users who have proceeded with the deletion process will receive a deletion identifier number and will not have the ability to log into the deleted account. There is no further action needed after an individual confirms deletion by clicking the confirmation link within the deletion confirmation message sent to the account email inbox.
Kindly let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Best regards,
The 23andMe Team
Eanna Balzina-Balzin, Nov 23, 2021, 11:38 PM PST:
1. I was Manager Mr Almer Syson email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
profile 678945 23andMe, and I was a buyer a gift 23andMe Ancestry genetic test
2. he granted me to manage
3. Sadly, my neighbour Mr Almer Syson died.
4. I passed details to his closed relatives but they not interested or emotionnaly touched while I had the ask to delete this account permanently.
I gave a time to pass away from this death in 2020. I attended Mr Almer Syson funeral on 15th June 2020 in Sutton-in-Ashfield Cemetery in England in UK. His property xxxxxxx   sold new people here.
I was instructed 1st to pass all or to delete all. No one contacted as some his relatives asked me to delete all, they do not users of Internet.
So, I started the deletion of the account of Mr Almer Syson on 24th Nov 2021
but when I used the link to confirm the deletion and to put the code 5fb5e5de62 here to confirm the full deletion of account, your web-side had not accepted to follow me to put the code but asked to sign in to the account 1st. I tried and I could not.
2. I used the forgot password but nothing came at all.
3. I am myself in age. I loved him, so sadly all still not sore. He was 83-84 passed away, ex-miner, local.
4. When I paid for his DNA tests, I was thinking to make a present, but his daughter started on me, while I was his friend and lover and neighbour and a helped occational. I paid as I was thinking about a marriage so checked we had not been related just in case.
5. But Almer Syson said me my income not good enough to his children accept me as his wife, so we split. as closed but stayed as friends neighbours. I helped when he asked me to buy things.
6. His daughter is emotional woman and I would not want to upset his closed relatives. To delete was her idea times ago making her a furious or no reasons. I paid for her Dad's DNA test.
7. Almer Syson left this world for a resting. I think a right time now to clean things for his soul to be a free to fly in her new home.

Please help me to process the full deletion of account 678945 Almer Syson
lived  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx…..
as his Trustee and Manager and a person whom paid money. I think this way will be right to easy.

I paid for a living person to find themes to talk with him about this, to up him and me too.

Kind regards,
Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
my email    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am your old customer 23andMe too, from UK, too.

The password reset you said sent for Mr Almer Syson had not worked and the delete link too.

I do not need to reset passport as to delete Mr Almer Syson Account in Full account 678945 on email was       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks forwards for a cooperation and the help.


2021.12.04       UK

To 23andMe Customer Service

THE REQUEST To Delete DNA sample, Account, data, all personnel data related to account
on your company web-sides

I had a time to think about as a low trust as what we saw 2028-2021 not to you but
so strange abnormal attitude to humans being making a low trust
and a wish to delete my DNA account my DNA samples "just in case"
as worries which hand may use this and how and my life experience of 60 yp woman living in UK,
Russian Ethnic, British Citizen.
I find a strange to easy to delete my own profile
in this so hard time with loss of the trust in the society
and worries what may come to each us and ours.
What i saw as some activities was not acceptable to be happen.
So, the safety issues which low down the trust in a society not knowing what to think
put me to conclusion to delete my all data, DNA samples, data, personnel data.
I have money to pay if I will stay alive and if i change my mind.
2nd, the presentation results is not visual easy seen so i paid money not having what i paid for.
I feel this as upsetting clients or a humiliation clients as a company which do not respect own clients while taking money of clients. This is so funny to see they pay their money and nobody complain not able to see results as so polite shame delicate soft people, waiting things changed themselves? but nobody changed all some for years 2015-2021?

I decided with a pettiness but to delete Accounts and all related DNA data, please.
My  Account Deletion Request Identifier: 4b0ed4c257..

Your link was not worked to put this symbols to the empty fields,
so, please, do this yourselves on my requests.

Thanks forwards, have a good Christmas,
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

See my experience of 60 yo woman as a client

From communication with 23andMe Company
Genetic Testing, DNA Profile, The Experience

23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля

#23andMe #Problems of Client to Delete Profiles

23andMe, 23иЯ проблема удаления профиля
#23andMe #Problems of Client to Delete Profiles

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