I am a Soldier by Ivan Sokhnev song

Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
16-05-2021/Nottinghamshire, Great Britain, UK

I am a Soldier by Ivan Sokhnev song

I am a Soldier
By a singer
Ivan Sokhnev "Soldier" - Blind Auditions – The Voice Kids RU – Season 6
Translation on English from Russian singing:

I am a Soldier

I am a Soldier ,
I had not slept for 5 years
And i have my bags under my eyes.

I had not saw this myself
But they said me this.

I am a Soldier,
And i had not my head:
they beat my head by their boots,
taking my head out.

I had not saw this myself
But they said me this.

Yo-Yo-Jo, Combat!
The broken mouth
Because of a grenade!
The white cotton -
The red cotton!
Nothing able to treat
My wounds!

I had not saw this myself
But they said me this.

I am a Soldier!
Not a cared enough
The Child Of The War!
My Mother!
Please, - Treat all my wounds!

I am a Soldier
of this Forgetting War
Of this Forgetting my Country!
Please, say me
from what book's roman.

Ue! Ue!

I am a Soldier!
My work is shooting
My Enemy
By a bullet,
This what needed
To do for you,
My Mother,
While so sore all!

I am a Soldier!
I am a Soldier!
I am a Soldier!

I am a Soldier
Of this Forgetting War!
From this Forgetting Country!
I am a Soldier!
Please, Mum, Treat all my wounds!
Please, say me. from which book's
roman had came me,
Yes! ?
"Солдат" (Иван Сохнев)
"I am a Soldier" (By a singer Ivan Sokhnev) (1 Mar 2019) 
Ivan Sokhnev "Soldier" - Blind Auditions – The Voice Kids RU – Season 6

Добавлю ссылку: прислали показать:
I add the links: someone sent me these to show this song:

Travelin' Soldier - YouTube Music     - The Chicks - 5:44 min   

Travelin' Soldier - YouTube Music     - The Chicks - 5:44 min   

Be happy, Soldier!  Roses and Guns!

"I am a Soldier by Ivan Sokhnev song"