Б. Заходер. Диета термита. To English

Яна Кане

Said a termite to a termite:
“Yes, I really was determined
To be disciplined and try it —
This new alphabetic diet.

I ate airplanes, chewed up boats,
Candy canes and cashmere coats,

Munched on desks and dinner tables,
Easels, feather dusters, gables,

Gnawed a harness (right off the horse),
Fed on houses (of course!).

I ate inkwells, jellybeans,
Kettle drums and limousines.

Then I snacked on magazines,
Napkins, oil cans,
Pencils, quilts,
Rubber boots, a pair of stilts,
Tablecloths and tambourines,
Undershirts, vanilla beans,
Waffles, xylophones, a yurt,
And a zipper for dessert.

Yet I didn’t feel satisfied.”

“Right,” the other termite sighed,
“All these diets are too tricky.
I just eat and don’t get picky!”