I Could...

Альма Ви: литературный дневник

I was ready to die so many times, i've got used to agonies...
And as i'm lying on my bed...seams like i always ready when i'm not in the crowd.
But suddenly (previous agony) i felt what a treasure my life was...those sunrays on my skin...those trees...my lovely forest...the sea, those sunsets that i'm in love with like with no other creature in the world...exept God...He's the One.
Yes, i have had a gift to walk my own legs and be almost free.. even with serious troubles with my health...and evil magic of other people doing me bad things...i still was free.. I could walk...i could enjoy of being in my secret place and watch the stars every (not cloudy) night...i cold enjoy that cousin feeling lying in bed on the second floor of summer little hommie...that i could go to enytime i want because my friend (the only) giving me the keys of her ownings...i could be inside of that sweet creature that i was then...
God...i want my life and freedom back...with You inside of my every moment of being....here
I love everything and everyone no matter "who did what"...i love You.

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