I finish my glass of wine...

I finish my glass of wine.
 The evening is small.
 You said it was my fault.
 And gone.
 You said I was a pain and a rock
 And the wall,
 What in the hell I be burning
 Without fire.
 That I do not know peace,
 Peace and light,
 What do you want with that
 Not near.
 That my home is for wine, friends
 And for strings
 And that I'm just a great friend,
 God knows.
 You left without saying "sorry";,
 On a new day.
 And all the plans and all the dreams -
 The illusory world has disintegrated
 I escaped with all my strength,
 From melancholy.
 But once in a cold moment
 At one o'clock at night
 You have returned, you have reappeared
 Before me.
 I look at the hole in my chest.
 Who's right?
 Pack up and go.
 Here's your scarf.
