
You've listened to a lot of fairy tales. Listen to mine, too.
 You are far from us. Is that what you wanted -
 See the caravans and the desert, how severe the Mamluk is,
 And how the sultans look hotly at the body.
 You're far away. There is no peace. It's hot under the sun,
 And mirages captivate, having overcome consciousness,
 But the night is tender, and & nbsp; it seems: this is Paradise time,
 And you go out. Well, of course, on a date
 See everything, scatter the sand in the bins
 (your caravan has been sailing for a long time with a heavy load)
 And feel: kisses. In & nbsp; the crown and the temple
 Your angel of the dark, calling you "Muse".
 Gets nepodetski, stsuko, frisky baby,
 And on a date you want to give yourself,
 But the night is gentle, solitaire is not completely complicated
 and in a fairy tale want
 stay the night
