Our Father. Отче наш

My love to You is so strong,
my dear Father, my Creator!
You planned to save me, and it’s true,
when I was crying, I was helpless...

You gave me strength to go on
when life was black and full of sorrow,
but You believed that I would sing a happy song,
and that my life would change,
and sun would brighten my tomorrow.

A happy song is now my life
and sun is shining brightly on my road
because Your love can everything,
and I survived, and overcame the pain, forgot the sorrow.

I know we will never be apart,
Your Light will always be with me consoling my soul,
Your Star will show the way leading to Light:
the world of love and happiness, and truth - Eternity!

1. Воскресший Христос.
2. Мама София и Папа Михаил, Православный русский Царь.
