Old Fashioned Guy

You spend this day and night
Just trying to find peace in your soul.
You are risking to follow the light
But it's doesn't work, you just growl.

Sweet prince, tell me the truth:
Why are you awaken?
Did you recognize you will loose?
Is that coz your heart is taken?

Dear author, I'll answer you lately
I can't find the rest in this empty world.
My heart is frozen, to say correctly
I guess it was the desire of the Lord.

Old fashioned guy, just stay alive
They'll never understand your pain.
Old fashioned guy, this world is a lie
You have to color this flying train.

You got a long way in this life
I know your heart is breaking.
Your simple story is so rife
You think that everyone is faking...

This generation is out of control
Whores, sluts, bitches and addict.
I know, you've met them fucking all
That's not for you, my cruel verdict.

Worthless souls, empty eyes
No magic in their black hearts.
And every single girl just tries
"To find a man who is nuts".

Who the fuck needs that love
With flowers and shyly kisses?
Every one needs iPhone 5(or above)
I have the only option - to reminisce.

Oh, you play the guitar I see?
Can cover Metallica and Roses?
However, you ain't that guy to be
Your small world ain't your fortress.

They'll never like your hair
They laugh and call you gay.
This life is not fucking fair
Don't be afraid to send "hey".

Old fashioned guy, they call you a child
Hold on, I want you here to stay.
Old fashioned guy, I know you are tired
You have to lay your hands and pray.

Stop dreaming, my boy
You won't get that time back.
We never get our final joy
The death is near your neck.

You loved twice in your short life
Tell me, what does it feel like?
You have a person and you just dive
In the feelings, promises and fight.
Your hearts beat faster than ever
She holds your hands and melts of it.
You are satisfied of being together
She forgives the things you ever did.

And what happens after break up
After that moment when feelings gone?
You think that your life is fucked up
And trying to analyze what was wrong.

When months and days have gone to past
You tell everyone that you don't care.
You check her profile by one eye and fast
But she doesn't know that you are there.

She posts depressive arts on wall
About her lonely sucking life.
But it's not because of you at all
Just cut your memory by knife.

Old fashioned guy, do you wonder
If she still even remembers you?
Old fashioned guy, you'll suffer
Because she kisses someone new.

Every day you're told by them
My darling, you have to forget.
Sorry, you ain't her type of man
This is Life, an endless regret.

Alright, we have to finish this
They all left you, old fashion guy.
Just get feelings from underneath (and live)
Old fashion guy, old fashion guy...

