The day he gone

The day he gone the clouds were hurrying,
The rain was crying over him.
I didn't know, and I was smiling,
I had a love, and so it seemed.

The year had passed, so full of waiting,
Of expectations and of dreams.
I thought it would be so breathtaking
To be with him, for him, be HIS.

The day he came the sun was shining,
I sang the songs, I smiled a lot.
But there's no use in hymns and smiling
When there're commas, and no dot.

The day we met cold wind was blowing...
I thought it would be otherwise,
But felt so blue and felt so lonely
While looking straight into his eyes.

The night we parted was oppressive,
His words were hard to realise.
the night was fearful, dark and massive -
It was the last one in July.

The autumn came. I was so tired!
Get off with you, my silly pain!
I realised - my "love" has died,
And it became the greatest day.

I'm strong enough to smile and bear
All this... It made me harder like a stone.
This autumn day - and I don't care
About that very night he's gone...

My dear Lady,
This is very beautiful!
Nice work, very nice, indeed.

Беляева Дина   24.10.2009 15:48     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much)))

Мальцева Ксения   24.10.2009 18:41   Заявить о нарушении