Look up the hill

…Look up the hill
little fellow
& lock up your mouth
we’ll go further barefoot
for dust
is the hardest path
we can choose
of all most traveled

lock up you mind
for we’ll see bravehearts
lying waysides
& singing glory no

we’ll take some of them
with us
like good friends
to chat with along the way
like old books
to rest with when we camp
like fresh food
to stuff ourselves with when we’re scared

& oh we will be scared
on this crooked path
for each turn will show
the most expected view

(there’s nothing horrifying in life
but its predictability)

travel along
my precious friend
just to lose me on the way
with your shadow
to taste abandonment
& defeat

move your tolling feet
up the hill
keep your hope to stay on top
with the stars
or fly off and away
with the wind
above the deserted ocean
climb on to the freedom
of piercing truth
that the dusty lonesome way down
yet awaits you on the other side…
