Ghosts of the past

Ирина Борискина 2
Guests in this world,
How abruptly we leave our life!
Nothing to take,
My pockets are empty.
Why should I cry
For the days of my pitiful youth,
When shadowy figures
Step silently out of photos –
Ghosts of the past.

Easy and light
Are the steps of invisible feet.
Solemn eyes,
Unsmiling and wistful.
Why should I pray
For the hope of never return?
The path may deceive us,
No certainty in destination –
Lost on the way.

Children of wars,
Little combatants, vanishing troop.
No reward,
We`re missing in action.
Why should I stop
In the doorway to rainbowy skies?
When shadowy figures
Step silently into my heart –
Ghosts of the future.