Halley comet speaks to Kyryzstan

Замир Осоров
 Kyrgyzstan moves towards the vortex of collective transformation
and may dragging out
one by one  all his surrounding countries,  nations
and all super continent and entire world
to that hole of fast changing
and can make up great jump to the future,
to the new world, reality and order.

Yes, our people already accumulated
the substantial amount of very valuable knowledge, practice and competence
about stepping out in collective vortex of creativity
amid the total havoc and destruction of mass revolts,
and know how and when start to work this miracle of social transformations
and society take  the chance to do the great step ahead,
if will be responsible and wise enough
due to fast fleeting instances of history 
to use the power of democracy correctly.   
Yes, we can create a principally new kind of society and historical drama,
as a new kind of dramatist will born, predicted by Karl Marks,
when wrote in one of his letters
commenting Shakespearean's tragedies,
that in a future possible
the world will witnessed emerging
the composing works of drama and poetry,
when genius equal to author “Hamlet”
combined with the knowledge and laws of historic evolution
and social collective creativity.

How awesome plays, dramas, tragedies
this world will witnessed then! 
And astonishing rate of efficiency
and influences and results
blessed upon every effort by individual and society as whole,   
when poet with his great creativity
will working in subtle unison with the energies of society
when what happened on theatrical scene
mixed with real events on streets,
when reality rises up to scene
and makes up histories,
and theater descends to people
and what in mind and heart of genius
gets instantly by mass perceptions
as pinnacle bless of heaven.
When all highest vibrations and frequencies
in our soul, body and environment,
inwardly and outwardly
will worked in tune, harmony and coherence
with impulses and energies of universe,
yes,magical transformation will happened everywhere.
Yes, Kyrgyzstan might be transformed to the state
where people ruling by country then
and even more  - to state
that rules by power heaven and providence,
full with greatness, power and competence.