God is Goodness

Михаил Фризен
God is the very paradigm of goodness, Goodness Himself; like the original orchestra sound, according to which the 'goodness' and 'badness' of high-fidelity recordings is measured.
Since God is Goodness Himself, and His Nature the paradigm of goodness, he is necessarily good and perfect. This implies He can't act badly by definition - yet that doesn't mean He doesn't every time freely choose to act according to his good nature!
The fact that subject sometimes can't act some way but freely choose not to act thus sheds light on Jesus' life and his full righteousness in the absence of impeccability that He, as a human, took on.

So as Goodness, God isn't measured according to any other standards. He Himself is the first and ultimate standard. He doesn't have to fulfill any duty. He doesn't issue commands for himself - he is freely and simultaneously essentially Good.

Eventually, he isn't worshipped for being according to his standard of Goodness! He is himself the Goodness and so He is adored, adored, adored!!! He is adored as the perfection and love.