That should stop

Бездомное Сердце
It might be a stockholm syndrome.
You have some swedish blood I know.
Why doesnt it coming to the end?
I keep returning to your flat.

I am the first you meet in town,
Have weird encounters with your mom.
Yes I am first, but am I last?
How long that silliness will last?

How much the patience I have left,
How much I am going to regret?
You make me cry, you make me smile,
You cross the line, but you're soo fine.

You're changing. You put some effort.
Or it is a illusion and love bomb.
Are you with me like you with every?
Too late to block, too fast to marry.

Enjoy, have fun, don't make a drama,
Good vibes, good sex, fata morgana.
I have to feel, I do, so fuck it,
Just carpe diem,dont do tracking.

You do all things to make me hurt.
Unpurposely. Without a thought.
You doing better everytime,
You make it worth to wait all time.