black blizzard day long post

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warning: no one has read this joke and I don’t recommend it to anyone. Google translated it somehow

Wow! It's really scary
Don't you see any reason?
Well, I was less lucky.
but I know a song about Matilda Stoss.
Well, I suddenly forgot the rest of the words.
and all I remember is the name.

Yes, she was as graceful as a hypopotamus and drank a bottle of someone else's brandy. her mop
fell from her hands when she was asked about it. She had not expected such a question at all. and so she dropped her mop. She just came to clean, but they ask her difficult questions. the mop fell.

What a thrill to drink in the morning before breakfast. However, I don’t have breakfast. I destroyed the regime a long time ago in order to be free from habits. but now I see how formal it was.

By giving up your daily routine, you will not run away from yourself. this
monster is watching you and he is you. you're trying to deceive him, but it's funny.

don't you see such a problem? Well, I was less lucky.

it's smug and naive. my mop fell. why ask such difficult things. I sing about Matilda Stoss. and why not.

Yes, whiskey in the morning is a thrill.

I've never done such a thing. breaking Bad? come on, this is such a small thing.

How? How are you drunk? well, I always look cool, precisely because I always don’t care how I am
I look like
but the monster in me is always watching how I move.

the way you move is much more important than what is written on your face.

every slightest gesture, every hesitant step is an appearance. this is the movement of energy

they won't understand.

don’t doubt it, I will notice any faults in you too.

I spent a long time learning strange things. but in the end I have nothing to lose at all.

Oh this is the ultimate dream.

your gestures are fussy, stop lying. but this is kungfu, it
takes a long time to learn. your hands are pressed to your armpits. you no longer have time to become honest.

man, you have a tightness in your groin and your legs are stuck together. to hell with it. Matilda Stoss is more graceful than you.

Matilda, let's clink glasses with you, we drink together in the morning. What song are you humming? "Guten Morgen, kleine Gretchen"
oh lovely. where can I get a second mop? I'll help you clean up.

there is no such place and yes, you are right: a person is only a person.

and I don’t even have anything to regret. Well, I finally found a reason for regret.

French, what about you? stognatsia is a bad explanation, I don't know this word in any language.

but if you show up today I will be out of shape. I wonder what time I will be out of shape?

I think it's already before noon.

Yes, Matilda, a person is only a person. and it's good to get rid of thoughts about superheroes, bye
otherwise, an unpleasant surprise may await you when nothing can be changed.

When the complete set is complete you won’t change anything.

everything important happens only here.

Are you sober this morning? and hope to fuck the world? and end the path with a subdivision? do we know where the final destination of this journey is? These are my simplest thoughts. I sing a song about Matilda Stoss. and she sings a song about Greta. It drifts slightly, but you can lean on the mop. No need
just ask too difficult questions.

do you have kungfu tea to drink? Kungfu is a period of time. Take time to fill up, but the cup is always for one sip. and why the hell are you quoting yourself? It's like walking backwards. I'll erase it back. oh well, I can turn around in my stride. Matilda, we are dancing beautifully with our mops in the middle of this garage, among these antique cars. At least remove the jack from the road, you bunglers.

are you in the forest and not in the garage? what are you cleaning there?

I'm a calculating monster and I'm going to completely dissolve in this bottle. it corresponds
strategies. never believe me. my movements are perfectly precise, even if for this I need
get drunk and fall.

it's hard not to take a single breath just like that. This is a curse, not a gift. however it was given as a gift such.

Matilda, your health. Thank you. Are the birds chirping above your head? among the trees?

did you open the bottle just to smell this brandy? Do not worry about that. French, I know you are doing everything you can, the other guys don’t believe anymore, but not me. They
Probably tired of waiting. but depending on how long they wait, maybe they don’t know what they can drink in the morning.

guys, liberte, egalite, I don’t remember the third one. Let's substitute the truffle, everything will work out.

To ? what did I want to say? other people's melodies write these lyrics. I don't even have my own thoughts. This is an achievement of special practices and a source of pride, of course. he cast out a demon and a crowd of others ran in his place. It's a very funny story.

Was it worth getting rid of the daily routine in order to acquire exorbitant pride about this? I'm superman - I don't have a routine. I never have breakfast, lunch or dinner at predictable times.

It must have been worth drinking at an inappropriate time and you can see stupidity of this size, larger than Matilda’s size. Matilda, I'm sorry, you're as charming as a bun.

time. For the first time I don’t know what to do with him. and I don’t even see any sign. anything useful? I beg you, all useful things lead only to the grave, without the opportunity to make at least one right gesture.

at least one correct gesture in life, this movement is very irrational. bottle, give me a hint, I
I'll do it.

silence, I can melt like snow and spread across the floor. and no one came to our party

These texts, no one reads them except bots, they
analyze them and then offer me an answer in the form of contextual advertising. humanizing the algorithm
is what happens when I say "bot". and an algorithm is a formula that implements a
process. Each fractal has its own formula. but we see beautiful
patterns. do you know about the carpet brotherhood? Matilda, do you know about the carpet community? she left.

This is real kung fu. but you can’t find the letters on the keyboard anymore, but that’s good. she wanted to
teach me to lie on the water, and said “just lie down” and I shouted at her that
she wanted to drown me. and how is this possible? and I will definitely choke on water
and drown. Yes, how I imagined it at such depth. and she kept repeating: just lie down. then, of course, I learned to lie on the water, can I lie all day?

Surely I can? it's unknown. but that day I never learned. she said her “just lie down” a hundred times, and at the end she stated “and this is how people lose the joys of sex.” and the expression on her face was imperturbable. Well, I wanted to kill her on the spot. I was going to drown her.

"just lie down." Most writers and non-writers don't know how to lie on water either. Matilda, they are making up something, it’s not living, water won’t hold you even if you weigh 20 kilograms, it won’t hold you 100 grams.

but just lie down, thank you friend, I hope you're doing well. I don't even doubt it. no, it doesn’t matter, I’ll drown you now. drink tea and you will drown in the cup!

In general, people communicate this way if they didn’t know how to lie on the
water. Do you hear, Matilda, what kind of birds created the crowns of the trees? so you shouldn't have touched someone else's brandy.

come on, paris! Is the tower in place? I conjured this. Matilda, I did this without doing anything! but why do I need this? benefits and benefits, Hunter, we will earn money, will it cost a lot later?

do all these pathetic efforts cost a lot later? we will spend our whole lives on them without doing
anything useless. shooting at the mess
is also complete bullshit. shoot at the clay pigeons, they will represent birds.

Matilda, everything is fine, no one touches your black grouse.

It seems that something has been forgotten, what does it have to do with it, this is the most important thing, then for the sake of it. it's a lasting feeling.

this is a classic, Matilda, we came to the topic “the meaning of life” ich bin gratulire us with a happy holiday.

I don't read what I write. I never repeat myself. for the umpteenth time I have already repeated this lie
don't even know.

my goal is not to look around. this is a very pragmatic action. they don't look around
effortlessly. and they don’t care whether there is a war or not a war, but not me.

but to observe... I’m making excuses again, no one reads this
, no need to worry.

gesture as if a person were playing the guitar, knowing that no one would listen to him.

Only this kind of music is real.

and there are open doors and closed doors. Matilda, can you imagine, all these revelations are a gesture
of closing the door. This is what a closed door looks like. according to all their concepts, it’s
the opposite. but who needs all their concepts? Yes, the guitar is standing right there, representing the
furniture. I don’t know how to play and I don’t want to learn and I don’t know the language and I don’t
want to learn. I don't like to do anything useful. Contempt for a healthy lifestyle is apparently an
acquired trait. France, come on, and we will finally solve this problem of the futility of any action with
what we can. just as absolutely worthless.

Oh my God, Matilda fell asleep in a clearing in the forest. Matilda! wake up, there's still some left. yes, “and I will tell you my stories, and you will tell me yours.” I have nothing to tell. absolutely flat life. learn all your life and come to the conclusion that you have nothing to lose. definitely a funny result.

the result? what's wrong? You can do functional work for another 50 years before the Indians and artificial
intelligence take it over. it will happen sooner.

I will shake everything out of you, don’t
doubt it. What a thrill it is to have a personal police station with an investigator in your head. I hope
we also have a court and a prison?

The whiskey definitely has its own character. every drug addict knows that any substance is
an entity with its own character and mood. but I didn’t know that about alcohol. whiskey, I
like you, let's be friends. It’s true that we have a specific mood.

Well, yes, blues in the form of text, but is the form important to us? It is not difficult at all to perceive as a person what is not a person. oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. and coffee? Here we will deprive coffee of
personification. we want to deprive you of coffee, you have no personality.

Mate has it. but I have run out of it. kindergarten? junkies, your sensitivity is just bad.

You can get rid of parsley grass. whiskey said it.

Whiskey is a very masculine mood. and why is such a pretty girl drinking an inappropriate drink?

and now we are fine together.

mycology is a completely different matter, and you may not be accepted if you are not pure enough in
your intentions. No, I’m not talking about homeopaths for health benefits. I don't even know more than them
which is annoying.

finally say something smart? No. I sing a song about Atilde Stoss. and she and I are not at all
inclined to reason. Matilda, we didn’t finish cleaning the garage!

if it were a painting, well, it would be a continuous painting of one color with a small brush.

not true.

but right now, of course, I would be expelled from the brotherhood of the carpet. Well, we’re not at all inclined to watch the patterns crawling senselessly for five hours. what do ants do in

Machine Translated by Google
anthill in winter? Do yogis know about this? ants dream that they are patterns in the carpet under your feet. don't step on it! crush it!

It turned out that this door is not just closed, it is walled up like the tomb of the pharaohs. Will I be able to open it for her at all later?

they think this is confidential information that should not be shared. so that it would not be used by attackers. these people are much crazier
than they even seem.

and yes, spell check is disabled, so anything can be written here. I confuse the letters, the translator will then translate these confused words and compose sentences with the appropriate context. Ha! you know, that's the character of the whiskey. these fleshy people do not believe in inorganic beings. Well, I say they are completely crazy. tell them that they should never drink whiskey, that they will not be welcome?

let them come? no need to be vindictive.

oh well, no one can read more than a paragraph now. and they do it right. The most important thing is the background behind the words.

and there is nothing of this in words. materiality is just matter. I notice this from time to
time. it's confidential! This is not a joke at all. especially when the haze from
the asphalt over the hot road, the props of materiality are clearly visible. the rag may tear.

and it will break sooner or later. In light of this, does anyone still want to make money? "Where can I get money?" Yes?

Well, today, thanks to whiskey and a snowstorm, we found out that your mother is going around in circles. some amplitudes, some structures, the same places. consult a psychologist. have you seen them at all? that is, you have to be even worse than them in order to contact such people? but that's the same
completely impossible.

Maybe you, drink, want me to gouge out my eye or fall down the stairs, break all my bones and hit my head? How else will I become worse than psychologists, so that I can come to them? I’m telling you, they’re really bad, have you seen them at all?

people cannot get out of the forest when they get lost, because it seems to them that they are going straight, but in fact they are walking in a circle. because the step of
one leg is always slightly shorter than the other. they make huge circles if there is
no sun or stars. This is how people disappear and will not be found.

because you don’t have to rely on the navigator.

I got lost like that one day when you lose your orientation for some reason you start walking in circles.

one day, really, but now? I don't
remember how I got out. Mosses are nonsense, they grow at random. I came out by accident.

repeat what problems.

I then walked through the thicket and came out onto the road, not in the direction I thought I should go. By the way, there were bears there and I wanted to find a tree to sleep on at night.

If you remember, you will shudder.

repeat. You've been going around in circles for years now. Do you think you're going straight? the step is
definitely one shorter, how come you’re not limping with such defects? amplitudes? yeah
I walked through the thicket; my entire cap was covered in
cobwebs. that means you have to go through the thicket. otherwise, with such spiny legs, you can trample the ring road through the forest for another couple
of years. For everyone except ambidexters, one step is longer than the other. and to hell with them. this text no longer makes sense. and I wouldn't say that. I’ll shake out at least something smart out of myself. Well,
how fresh it is: life is a forest and the one who gets lost walks in circles.

because he has one leg shorter. delight.

It’s not the leg that’s shorter, it’s the step.

This is a level of intoxication at which you think clearly, but you can no longer speak. I think it's her. I don’t know, I’m silent. Matilda, are you there? nothing, sleep.

unfinished business makes one step shorter.

go into the thicket, there is a road.

and I didn’t know about it, I could have left like that and never left. There's a snowstorm here, where can I get the thicket?

I’m not in silence, in silence I would have developed tetanus long ago. some forests, some thickets, where did they even come from? Marriage is their panacea for
unnecessary thoughts. there were no worries, so buy a porsya. oh, if I were speaking for someone, I could say a lot about this. but I'm speaking for myself.

Well, maybe this is just a suitable thicket?

yes with the quagmire right away. and be sure to choose the most unsuitable gentleman. their argument is all for the sake of children. but the souls of children have nothing to do with their parents.

or do they have? unexpected surprise, they were expecting their first child and omen was born. and as a happy family, they ignored who they were until the end of their days.

Mister Whiskey, is this a thicket already? there’s already a cobweb on the visor, I broke someone’s web, sorry. this brilliant song makes me laugh so much that I forgot what I wrote about here. there is not a single funny word
in it.

Well, this seems to be the last degree of intoxication. I don’t have an aggressive stage. That's why whiskey and I became friends.

Our characters suit us and that’s why we’ll get married. how was the last one? and fall?

although how we became friends, we are inseparable friends from the institute, and I don’t know your other products at all. I see you for the first time.

I didn’t have a dossier in the KGB and now it’s ready. Fools, I lied about everything. and then how
do you know that it didn’t happen? and Matilda and I won’t suffer from paranoia, because that’s all we needed. Matilda, it’s already night, and we haven’t cleaned the garage.

What a pure soul, get drunk and sleep all day in a forest clearing with the birds chirping.

can you do that? and it's not even a question when the answer is clear.

Yes, woe from mind. and this is also out of place.

and after his death the ghost discovered that all the accumulated treasures of the soul were some kind of unconnected set. what happened to the cases? it will be English encoding. no, it wasn’t a snowstorm that closed the door, it was me who closed the door.

a..and you can't ask such questions in a work of fiction. go for a walk in the deep tor. tiktok is how the Chinese Communist Party levels dementia to the standard. and that shady guy looks like a cartel member. On his back he probably has a tattoo of a heart and a rose and Jesus, of course. French, for God's sake, but I'm probably out of shape. blues is about decent people, for me
then rap. a
moderate in England is probably like that at court. and I
wanted to erase this nonsense, but I never erase anything written or drawn, because I don’t make mistakes. and
I’m tired of walking in circles. make a
mistake and erase and calm down
no, it's very scary. I’m already almost without shores. the devil in my head tells me. What? How can you not get tired of yourself? It’s easy to forget everything. but I’m not tired anyway.

Yes, I just pass out on the go. This
text is disgraceful and no longer resembles anything else.

I know what.

Don't flatter yourself, journalist.

interesting terms of the deal if you get everything, but one part is not for you.

Are we not all on these terms here?

Matilda, our song has turned into hell. Borges noted that the future influences the past,
that is, the sequel and prequel will change the perception of the original. and we will cross out the word perception.

The book now says that Matilda Stoss once fell asleep in a forest clearing to the chirping of birds. like no. This is how your memory works. yes, everything you remember either didn’t happen or happened at all
not this way.

it's an enchanted world. and it is quite flexible as long as the door is closed. maybe I'm a pharaoh in a tomb? The god Ra rose every morning as the sun and every evening he still devoured Anubis underground. this is definitely bfl anubis, I’m not sure who was eating the sun every evening. and in the morning this unfortunate creature came to life again.

Did I want to draw a logical conclusion? logic is the real enemy. “if-then” constructions are piled up at every step, you just keep tripping over these things.

they will roll out a cardboard saying “we are making a snow angel” and hide behind it. Do they seriously think that someone lacks such communication with them? they really think so.

so there is not a single story, not a single complete thought, there is no content. yes and no plot. the song about matilda doesn't even have a song about matilda. “I” was bulgingly sculpted, but. it's fake.

“What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk” - this is not true.

This only happens to secretive and cowardly sober drunks. I say the same
thing both sober and drunk. and so as not to flirt if I have
something to be proud of.

"My mirror, tell me.."? the daffodil admired the reflection until it sprouted into reeds.

It won’t work to shame me into being useless, when something useful could have been done.

give brooms to the yogis. let the hoyaks generate electricity in the wheel. at least something,
even a tuft of wool from a black sheep?

the priests of beneficial action poisoned the earth. action only for benefit is religion. let us pray what is useful and curse what is useless. Monkey astronauts are not new. Each adept will be transformed into a function.

This lifestyle advertising is thousands of years old, and I don’t even want to touch on this topic. We then
profitably monetize it.

school of Life. This is the stage of drunken sobbing. Matilda come here, we'll cry. What kind of drinking companion is this who doesn’t drink, sleeps and also sees birds in his dreams!? Well, I'm bored of crying alone.

The whiskey was almost gone, the snowstorm blocked the road.

I have no comment on this. evaluative reaction imposed stereotype. dislike matter? You can walk back and forth on this tile for a long time, good or bad, like or dislike.

This is actually a pair of inscriptions on the gate.

you have to go between them.

almost out of whiskey | a snowstorm blocked the road.

why do they hang on both sides? I don't even see the doors
and gate. Well, I’m just a real samurai, all the outposts there are like that. dono bushi, is sake okay?

but not here, here a Buddhist and a Taoist walk arm in arm, their riddles can cost more than life.

Don’t even ask the price if you’re not willing to pay everything you have.

Bao Yu, what did you scribble for the calligraphy, I can’t understand, how to get through now?

This charade is not now. the correct answer is:
The Chinese commander-in-chief had a chief of guard.

and he came up with a new password every day, with meaning.

and it all ended with no one being able to remember his passwords,
the guards killed the guards,
and he was executed for his excessive learning and zeal.

it is now not a gate, but a fence, if there is no passage.

I have never had such a stupid day in my life.

and it was recorded in detail.

never to repeat it.

and we would have to repeat this somehow.

Matilda, my muse, wake up, nothing worked out for us.

Besides, we didn’t clean the garage, and we also lost our mops somewhere.

Yes, I don’t know where the inventory went, maybe behind the radiators?

the keys, yeah, I’ll go home in this car.

what do you mean it's too much?

Matilda, I'm sorry, but you're a made-up character from a book.

what do you mean I don't know where home is
Well it depends!

What is the year now.

Which? 4720?

Well, really, I’d rather sleep in the car.