Lord Shiva Dance

Óëüôàðà Àéôåíáîðã
Lord Shiva danced, a cosmic swirl,
On snowflakes falling, in the morning’s pearl.
Each flake - a masterpiece, a work of art,
With lines of harmony and a creator’s heart.

“You were never born, you’ll never die”-
The words of Shiva echoing high.
The snowflakes - a paradox, a whim of fate,
A dance of existence, a beautiful intricate mate.

“Where will you find your ‘I’,” - he asked with grace, -
“When the flakes melt, and leave no trace?
The center of power, the smallest grain,
Where will you be, when the winds carry your name?"

Lord Shiva danced on the falling snow,
A reminder of life’s ebb and flow.

In the beauty of creation, in the morning light
We find our “I” in the dance of night.