the best version of me

Åëåíà Ãàâðèëîâà 7
and to do it according to the moment
the best version of me?
I don't want that kind of crap
hear even from alterego.
better yet?
My lipstick is dark cherry color.
Maybe today is Halloween?
beetroot cigarette filter
simply irresistible.
the best version would not have been written
all sorts of bullshit.
and I doubt it.

I wouldn't listen to the best version
someone else's music,
I would listen to mine.
compose first, composer.
I can't hear myself
maybe I'm a dumb fish?
but fish are not dumb and they
almost everyone has unpleasant voices,
This is a whistle; they whistle with their gills.

but the best version
the same lipstick?
this is certain.
this frost is incredible
creates claustrophobia.
It's not so much fun without whiskey?

I don't care, I'm sober
I'm never completely sober.
and sober
no one has ever seen me.
they would ask
drunk once
drank forever. and if you
have you ever eaten anything
more psychoactive than cutlets,
these traits stay with you forever.

did you drink power?
They were drinking power!
I hope it was this one
real tea ceremony?
it was stirred for a long time.
The tea needs to be stirred for a long time.

I have no relation.
to these printed squiggles.
earlier under posts
put a tag: such and such music plays.
texts reflect mood
How crooked is the mirror?
That's how it gets refracted.
It happens that the dispersion is in water.
What music? can't you hear her?
I'm about to die of sadness.
real blues for strong nerves.

Yes, the frost gave me a flat tire today.
the pressure cannot withstand such frosts.
Yes, and I think I bent the disk
By the time I got to the tire shop.
what a handsome man
told me this terrible news,
he wanted to help
he said that it was okay that he was sick,
and twenty-seven degrees below zero
but you need a jack and a spare wheel,
but I went to a tire shop.
these happy couples
"two against the world"
we know what awaits them very soon.

is it still a question of being the best version of yourself?
then we go in the opposite direction.

and have already gone far. there's a worse version.
but the lipstick is the same?
does the worse version have the same lipstick?
it is necessary.
this is unfair.
I feel like a fraud
floating in someone else's music.
maybe these are questions
and it's probably illegal.

no need to worry the performance is so terrible that no one will know
this long instrumental part.
am I a jazzman? oh my god
That's not what jazzman do.
and the best version of you
I would definitely find something better to do.
"best" comparison question
this is a flawed thing.

scales with weights and battery-powered scales.
I have a very accurate scale,
I bought them to weigh counterfeit coins,
which I bought from a gypsy at a gas station.
he found an ancient treasure in the wall.
but they are chasing him, so he is forced to sell
almost free
I paid for them because I wanted to believe.
that they are real.

the best version of course knew everything from the very beginning.
but the gypsy has the coins
I bought, apparently, not the best one.
I was traveling with a bag full of gold on my chest.
this is a cool feeling, I held it for a long time.
and today is the day of revelations?
I can admit to being a little exalted.
Yes, such fools do not exist in nature,
that's what it's called.

you’ve simply never had a bag with real gold treasure hanging on your chest.
it was fake.
he was real at that moment. I exchanged gold for paper.
I bought a gypsy mood.
and I say there are no such fools in nature.
you will never know what it means to possess countless treasures of an ancient treasure.
and I know this.
this self-portrait is "the best version of yourself"
we hang at the exhibition of the mentally ill.

do you want to please yourself?
if you like me a little more,
then I will turn into a daffodil flower
on the shore.
to look at your reflection.
turn into a reed in a swamp.
this is different music.
You can't mute the music.
but she is changing.
this reality clings and climbs up my back
to sit on your head.

I had to accept help.
but they still know how it will end before it starts.
yes there are several options.
come on, let's be honest.
There are only a few of them and each one is a dead end.
Isn't that right with you? you're trying to lie to me,
are you crazy?
I lie because I can, and besides, not many people can notice my lies.
and I don’t like where this music has taken my mood.

in this forest
We turn off only at white poplars!
it was aspen and not poplar
any other sideways path will lead to death.
and you will not leave this forest.
maybe you will change a tire in the cold,
or it will look different.
the best version would not shed tears
rivers from the eyes.
Finally this melody ended.

I'm a calculating person
this is a cocoon of reality
and it will be turned inside out,
when it's finished.
I still had to buy brandy.
these madmen dream of passion.
but you won't be able to breathe.
Only a mouse is happy in its cozy hole.
suicide to want more.

the best version of yourself is on the other side.
my clothes are cabbage
three jackets but they are not buttoned
I am a cabbage and in any weather it is summer for me.
and here it is visible.
with such turbulence in the world
how do you get yourself back
you won't even be able to recognize yourself.
we have to admit that being also determines something.

It’s hard to feel summer in such frost.
hell is ice, everyone already knows that.
but still consciousness determines being, not the other way around.
what is cherry lipstick for?
consciousness is different.
oh sorry.
no need to keep it for yourself
last bullet, better shoot the enemy with it.
I don’t have any enemies, should I look for them first?
and this is strange for a man armed to the teeth.
and call it something that’s not weird at all.

but what sad music
what an amazing comment, congratulations
the best version of myself says this:
what can make us weak and empty?
nothing is the correct answer, if you weren’t that full of holes to begin with.
This is probably what the voice of the dream said!
yes two. this is Santa Claus

and why not learn the language?
I have the privilege for me that any vocal is an instrumental.
sorry, not just anyone,
there is a lot of falseness in women's voices
you can hear it
it's an innate timbre.
ladies, we have an innate deceit
oh well, they don’t hear anyway.
you must have absolute pitch,
to jam this note.
but you have to be careful
There are a lot of men around who are not really men.
They don’t know it themselves,
Taoists cannot be deceived
our eyes see the essence
and they probably wouldn't like it
but we won't let them understand it.

and how much junk there is in the corners of my head.
but today is general cleaning.
Most of the garbage is on the first floors
Buddhist temples.
I still had to buy brandy.
it is difficult for a sober person to be sober.
there is a lot of garbage on the lower floors,
but on the highest levels terrible demons live.
The cleaners need to clean all floors.
do you know what they did?
somehow swept on the lower ones
and on the upper ones they killed the demons,
who kept order, generally watched,
and the Buddha statues were thrown into the sartir.
and sat down to dinner - a wonderful view.
Are we having peaches for dinner? Wonderful,
The bones can be thrown on the floor.

Baby Dorothy, just hit the floor twice with your heel.
this could be done at any time.
Is there no better place at home?
and where do you live?
Is your house more spacious than mine?
Well, I’m just building it, it seems to me that this tower was a success,
the pagoda, yes, it was supposed to turn out to be a labyrinth.
and turn on jazz, because builders don’t need to,
and they don't need to be poured.

but they also built nothing - with tank battlefields,
disasters and trenches with soldiers - epic.
You just can’t live. on the author of reality
I'd be interested to see.
you can imagine - a puberty obsessed with games
oh, tell me boy, girls don’t like you, right?
well, where from? a creative product always has the author's characteristics.
love in extreme situations?
O! hell fire on all sides?

you come visit me,
Well, yes, you won’t leave alive, of course.
and this invitation does not cancel.
according to special you worked on effects in gaming for a year
when? for a long time?
no, you don’t need to come to me in a tank,
first of all, you won’t pass,
is your idol the god of war?
well, my name is Hijikata Touji,
I can tell you a lot about him.
Yes, the name is fake, imagine, I came up with it myself.
no, you won't leave alive
but it's worth it.
it's worth it.
and yes you can’t help but come.
don't try to run away.
I'll just wait.

holy buddha!
I still had to buy booze,
and everything has gone so far.
well why?
red loyalty.
this is not my face.
but the given topic is “the best version of me
what would I do according to the moment"

Here you go.
and now it seems to me that I have sobered up to hell.
I thought I could only drink myself to hell.
these are not your dreams, you are just reflecting the music, remember?
and she's weird
and reflected bizarrely.
uneven reflective surface
But you say the crack on the rearview mirror doesn’t bother you.
Do you see everything well?

Well, there are two cars behind you on the right,
at different distances, and
but in fact there is one of them.
doesn't bother me, I swear I can even see in the dark.
There is no rust bucket in the world better than mine.

the surface of the mirror is crooked, I say,
That’s why it reflects the devil.
meaning "the best version of me."
and then a false problem
I don’t have any bad versions in my assortment,
What is the best one we can talk about?
leave this music, you're in love
and she will drive you crazy.
this is incredible
Not at all.
get off, I'm a gonzo journalist.

It's cold, I have plenty of time
and I am building the world.
it became impossible to live in the old one.
but I still had to buy a drink.
you see, if we don't entertain ourselves,
There will definitely be someone who will do it.
but nothing, this lover of the god of war
already invited to visit for tea.
We will study treatises with him.

And the beautiful color is dark cherry, isn’t it?
I have very conservative tastes.
Yes, this is a good costume, just right for Halloween.
and the poets describe
Saoi's real feelings and
your real dreams.
oh, what are you saying?
the secret is not spoken out loud.
are you ready to share your most precious things?
It's not worth it to you at all.
shut up, this is blasphemy
these were poems about love.
about the real one, I hope?
they tried.

well, “we were cleaning the first floor of the pagoda,
but there is so much garbage here that we swept it under the carpet.
we swept the trash under prayer rugs,
on all the floors above we did the same,
and on the top floor we killed innocent demons,
drowned statues of deities in the toilet
and sat down to dinner with peaches."
I hope we get paid for our work.
such a quote
does not exist anywhere.
and that's not true.

sober and drunken deliberation
almost no different from each other.
this means the conclusion is correct.
for sure.
But I just don’t remember,
but what was thought about?