
Елена Гаврилова 7
anything about a weather
the door my car it's are frezing
the anti aice no find
in new years night i'm does't drive
becase i don't open his.
door door door comon it's warm indeed
minus twenty degrees the warm
door open pleasse
or me hands same becom a ice
the wind exactly me go carry away
but the door to freez to death solid
well no fate i go back into home.

and today the samething trip again
door door open? i WD pour you in the lock
i need in shop to
go in legs? i some would freez in road. pls. yep so warm
"only fifteen degrees".
the weather forecast lie!
them twenty or all twenty five.
pls i hold on to you only
me the fingers can froze to glass
becase me legs shift in a variation side
in ice.
here need a ice scates are dont not boots.
maybe it's arctic ice? where a whit bears?
i dont't buy antiice because

i telk you open i need the bread
stuppid the ice rust open now!
i speak a eat me need buy.
open the kay only bagag door.
thenk you!

i climbed through it.
and i hoop to a neighbors doht't see in them windows.
some exactly no imagine what it possoble in car then poses.
i say only the cap on light.

the door dont't open from the insite.
a my bag left outside.
but i need bread and i drive to it shop.
and the car warms long and in end all right
the door open and it close
but i know from the begining
and i'm dont say it to meself
i want be buy in shop the wheskey
and in add-on the bread ofcourse
well so
live is good luck happend

it song the drunkin white beare
and our focus at all costs dont't by the sides.

case we are stuppid tigers
do first, think then 
so we do it like would already thought
that "then" usually doesn't come either
you no must doubt. tis's art.
i seem in through bags door it i's my today masterpiece.

real artists write songs that break your heart.
so let's drink to that!
what can I do if i needed bread?
and everything froze. maybe
i resay this's again?