Illusion Song

Виктория Валериевна Трофимова
“OK, baby”, let`s start.
Take my mind in your cloud.
When I push on this button,
You will format my heart.

The volume of your heart
In command line I see:
I wish you love me
But the answer is just:
O-O -O
Don`t make me push “Delete”,
Don`t make my life have turned
Your soft means nothing
But I like to  hear your :
0-0 -0

I live in illusion
Of money and peace.
I live in illusion
That your love exists.
I live in illusion,
I `m ready to pay
Awaiting  our fusion
To happen one day.

“OK, baby”, go on.
Talk to me and confirm,
That my code isn`t wrong
And our love is for long.

The volume of your heart
In command line I see:
I wish you love me
But the answer is just:
0-0 -0
Don`t make me push “Delete”,
Don`t make my life have turned
Your soft means nothing
But I like to  hear your :
0-0 -0

I live in illusion
Of money and peace.
I live in illusion
That your love exists.
I live in illusion,
I know all your tricks.
I come to conclusion
My heart can`t be fixed.

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