
Михаил Фризен
Dear William Lane Craig!

I just realized I'm making up questions only to have the joy and honour to thank you for the impossible God made possible through you and those in your team - and your amazing wife Jan!

You are my hero and for solid reasons! The impact your ministry gives is unfathomably huge. And it profoundly affects me. I am a Russian junior High Schooler, and I want and plan to serve God professionally, like you. There are lots of fields to engage in, and thankfully I have the time to choose my path to Crist!

Please remember how invaluable you and your work are to some.

Mikhail Frizen

Dear William Lane Craig!

I just realized that any question I would prepare to address you, no matter how problematic, already has a good, all-solving answer somewhere across your website, in the Question of the Week archive, Equip Platform and other works! So the only thing I want to convey you - with joy and honour - is gratitude for the impossible God made possible through you and those in your team - and your amazing wife Jan!

You are my hero and for solid reasons! The impact your ministry gives is unfathomably huge. And it profoundly affects me. I am a Russian junior High Schooler, and I want and plan to serve God professionally, like you. There are lots of fields to engage in, and thankfully I have the time to choose my path to Crist!

Please remember how invaluable you and your work are to us.

Mikhail Frizen


Dear William Lane Craig!

No matter what a question shall I hold,
Intriguing or annoying, new or old,
Across your works there's always a response
That sheds light on what seemed so hopeless once!
So just one thing to you I'll be addressing:
My gratitude, acclaim, and our Lord's blessing.
Through you, your team, and your amazing Jan
God makes impossible things truly done.
Unfathomable is your life's impact,
And in my life it virtuously does act-
In High School now, I plan to follow you
In your footsteps and spread Christ's message too!
   Remember, please, how far your work resounds,
   And how deep in our hungry hearts it grounds.

(Please pardon me if some words are misused, Russian is my native)

Mikhail, Cyprus

I would like to hand a testimonial to William Lane Craig and his team (including Jan, of course!):

Dear William Lane Craig!

No matter what a question shall I hold,
Intriguing or annoying, new or old,
Across your works there's always a response
That sheds light on what seemed so hopeless once!
So just one thing to you I'll be addressing:
My gratitude, acclaim, and our Lord's blessing.
Through you, your team, and your amazing Jan
God makes impossible things truly done.
Unfathomable is your life's impact,
And in my life it virtuously does act-
In High School now, I plan to follow you
In your footsteps and spread Christ's message too!
   Remember, please, how far your work resounds,
   And how deep in our hungry hearts it grounds.

Michael, Cyprus