The reliability of The Copies of Copies of Copies

Михаил Фризен
If the message of Jesus' teachings isn't preserved, Christianity can't be the Way of Christ at all.

Let's analyze the historic reliability of the NT.
There are three main approaches to form a view on an ancient piece of literature: the number of copies of the manuscript, the time gap betwixt the writing of first one and the manuscript, and the number and significance of differences/mismatches in 'em. Let's apply it all to the NT and compare it to other ancient works.

1) There are about 219 copies of Plato's pieces. Some 2,300 for Homer's works. And 5,700 for the New Testament - in Greek ONLY! !  If we make a column of an average Greek author's manuscript copies and put them all together, agreeing that an average copy is about 6 cm, it will be more than a meter high. The column for the NT will go up to a MILE ( 1.6 km!)

2) The first copy of Plato's works appeared 1,300 years after the original. The gap is just 400 years for Homer. And 35 for the NT - it's a blink of an eye in ancient terms!!!

3) But what about the 400,000 differences among the copies?! Let's consider their significance. Most of them are mere misspellings - like 'Johnn'. There are some uses of synonyms, or additional articles (LORD instead of Christ, THE Mary). Some less are errors that are determined not at the original text. And ONLY 1% is about some real differences - yet they DO NOT AFFECT A SINGLE CORE DOCTRINE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH!

Historians are confident in Plato's and Homer's works reliability. This alone says how much evidence we are given! That is why Jesus says "Blessed are those who see not yet believe" - believe the utterly reliable testimony we are granted!

Which is more, the Early Church Leaders have cited the New Testament over a million times, which in theory allows us to reconstruct the whole piece if the copies are lost!

So be sure you can access the Very Holy words of our Savior through the Web!!!