Intertwines Fates

Хельга Владимирова-Сигова
Ways intertwines at crossroads,
Like threads interwoven by knots,
Our fates met in center of feelings and love.
And I hoped that time will never be gone,
And we'll go this road together...
But the paths separated forever,
You took road to entertainment,
And I followed my road alone...
In the morning dew covers green grasses,
The sunrise changes the night and a darkness,
And there's no turnin' it back...
But I don't hate my life, it's my fate...
Maybe there, in far place, by chance,
Our paths will be crossed again...

Перевод стихотворения Хельги Владимировой-Сиговой
"Стёжки-дорожки", выполненный автором