
Мария Холодова 8
Mixing of feelings into the flow's,
The world is changeable for them hourly and shows
The scary and painful under the skin like broken glass.
There is no need to admit - "I pass."

Now I understand that freedom suffocates.
That there are thoughts that betray us behind the hates.
Love burns at the end of the firmament,
But the eyes never deceive in moment.

Iterating over an infinite constant is
The basis of the path to a truce,
Implants will be inserted into the wounds.
Feelings were crushed like fruit to juice.

The mistake of "being" began to bite.
In the past minutes we often visit in mind.
Admit to yourself that it's time to break up,
Or we will miss the real life without backup.

Indulge your weaknesses in fear are
Worse than going to the left, "to the cinema"...
I'd rather be the executioner of the hell
But not making the good "hurt" again to well

it's better this way than living a lie.
To say "love" without love itself.
Recognition can be stewed for a long long time
In a fictional mutual bet.

You asked me to release you recently.
After all, happiness is yours decently,
Put all your thoughts on the shelves.
We need to stop lying to ourselves!
The cup of mental murders is full.
They grabbed the wrong tar of spoon.
The vessel of soul is exhausted for fun.
All the shit made sense and become a gun.

The request is heard. Give me a time,
While the fragments of my mirror crime
Will be reset and burden in
Without divine universal consents
Everything can be fixed. It's possible.
You will see the essence yourself, your soul is docible.
It is not difficult to accept and change to the right one,
All this will make us brighter than the sun.