
Ильзар Абдрашитов
Having you in hands of mine
All I could possibly desire
Looking into eyes of yours
Has some, for sure, magnetic force

One glance at you, I fall so deep
I sink in ocean, I'm drown in creek
The reality is being cut in pieces
Time goes on, yet I don't feel it's glimpses

One touch. The world sets free
All that exists is you and me
The Earth still moves, yet still
Nothing is compared to this thrill

Under our feet I feel we fall
Standing on the ground into the universe's hole
Going pass the stars, the planets
The little asteroids and the comets

I breathe in your aroma until my lungs go full
Filled with joy, embraced by Moon
In the moment lost the two of us
Life goes on, yet goes past

Two rivers fall in one enormous sea
You and me, and no one else to see
Surrounded by night sky's lights
Our hands make the endless ties

Enough does not exist at all
From far inside I hear the call
"She's mine, indeed a blessing in my life"
One day I will make her my wife

As of now, I do a lot regret
Every time we haven't met