The 34th Degree

Александр Боголюбский
Originally written by Paul V. Marshall, Sr.

My life on Earth becomes temptation
For everyone not willing to be free
And now I’m close to Transformation
The time has come for 34th Degree

Leaving behind the ones I honor
Tremendous price I’ll have to pay
Yet from afar I’ll watch them over
And I’ll return to you one day

Is this the farthest I can go?
The highest point of Human Life?
If even higher virtue can be shown?
Before God's countenance will I survive?

Electa in the East, George Washington, the West
Still offering the Lodge for me this day
To reign with glory as they did before me
But I will go completely different way

I’m standing now before Another Altar
Not seeking for the rest I may have had
The Path of mine no longer will be outer
The Greatest Liberation lies ahead

Those of my Brothers that I leave behind
Shall carry on the Earthly Works for me
Illuminated by Eternal Light,
My Gift for You, THE 34th DEGREE

A Mason is not necessarily a member of a Lodge. In a broad sense, he is any person who daily tries to live the Masonic life, and to serve intelligently the needs of the Great Architect.

An Illuminat is not necessarily a member of the most secret occult society, he is The Illuminated One -- by the Light of Knowledge.